1787-1824 Timeline

By gabsz96
  • Nationalists

    Political: spearheaded the drive to replace the Articles with a stronger central government.
  • Shays' Rebellion

    Social: Started uprisings regarding protests against taxes, property, and classes. Affected ideas in the Constitution and stopped Northampton's government.
  • Annapolis Convention

    Political: State delegates gathered in Annapolis to consider changes to Articles of Confederation.
  • "The Federalist"

    Social: series of papers written to persuade Anti-Federalists to sway towards Federalist. Had a profound effect.
  • Virginia Plan

    Political: Eventually led to the Great Compromise which we still honor today.
  • New Jersey Plan

    Political: eventually led up to the Great Compromise which we still honor today.
  • Great Compromise

    Political: Solution between New Jersey and Virginia Plans. House of Rep. would depend on population and Congress would have equal representation. Still goes on today.
  • 3/5 Compromise

    Economical: Slaves now counted as 3/5 a person in taxes as well as representation. Lower taxes than if they were a whole person, more representation than if they weren't a person.
  • Federalists

    Social: pushed for the ratification of the new Constitution which eventually passed and is still our outline for government today.
  • Anti-Federalists

    Social: people who pushed against the ratification of the Constitution.
  • Agrarian

    Economical: the government supported farmers due to them being the main source of income which was very important to our growth.
  • Judiciary Act of 1789

    Political: issued a court system that is still used today.
  • Judicial Review

    Political: power given to Supreme Court to determine the constitutionality of a case. Still used today.
  • Tariff of 1789

    Economical: Intended to raise revenue and not protect American manufacturers from foreign competition.
  • French Revolution

    Political: US stayed neutral and were unsure if they were required to support France.
  • Washington's Presidency

    Political: First US president!
  • Alexander Hamilton

    Economical: First US secretary of treasury. Head of Federalist party.
  • Intercourse Act

    Economical: the US would control trade and interactions with Native Americans
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

    Economical: means of production and manufactoring improved, Cotton was an international phenomonon.
  • The Bill of Rights

    Political: Solution between Federalists and Anti-Federalists to ratify the Constitution. Still used today.
  • Cotton Gin

    Economical: Invented by Eli Whitney, made picking cotton WAY more efficient; became even more popular.
  • British Removal

    Social: John Jay signed with Britain to remove their troops, limit trade, and have a "most favored nation" status for both countries.
  • Jay's Treaty

    Political: Averted a war with British (they seized US ships)
  • The Second Great Awakening

    Social: Slaves recreated Christianity
  • Treaty of Greenville

    Social: Native Americans nations were forced to cede land. Added on to the land owned by the US.
  • "Quasi-War"

    Economical: Undeclared naval war. Interfered with trade.
  • Alien and Sedition Acts

    Political: 4 acts passed by Federalists. Curtailed freedom of speech and liberty of foreign residents.
  • XYZ Affair

    Political: French wanted a bribe as a condition for negotiation with US diplomats. Gained Adams more popularity.
  • Pan-Indian Military Resistance Program

    Social: Called for cultural and political unification of Native American tribes
  • States' Rights

    Political: Favoring the rights of the states over rights claimed by the nattional government began.
  • Suffrage

    Social: Right to vote became increasingly important.
  • District of Columbia

    Political: there was now and still is a home for the United States' capitol.
  • Federalism

    Political: Supporters of Hamilton. For: sharing powers between states and the national gov.
  • Republicans

    Political: Jefferson supporters. Opposed Federalism. For: wanted limited national government and putting farmers first.
  • John Adams

    Social: Second president, founding father, and national leader. Enlightenment political theorist.
  • American Artists

    Social: the US began to develop its own culture.
  • Cotton

    Economical: huge during the Industrial Revolution, improved American economy.
  • Gabriel's Rebellion

    Social: Slaves got together in order to try to revolt but they failed.
  • Black Codes

    Economical: freed black slaves before civil war.
  • Poor Whites

    Economical: made up most of the US' economy.
  • Yeoman

    Economical: another majority of the US' income.
  • Planter Elite

    Social: small population, but they were the richest planters. Most important, had a say in the community.
  • Thomas Jefferson

    Social: Founding father, main author of the Declaration of Independence, Had some of the best and worst ideas for the US.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Social: the US gained more than half of its land in a bargain from Napoleon Bonaparte.
  • Marbury vs. Madison

    Political: created the precedent of judicial review.
  • Lewis and Clark

    Social: First transcontinental expedition to the Pacific coast.
  • Tecumseh

    Social: Native American and his followers that sought refuge westward.
  • Embargo Act

    Economical: Forbid American ships from sailing to any foreign port. Didn't make other countries suffer like intended; instead, it caused the nation to fall into a depression.
  • Nullification

    Political: a state can claim a national law null and void it within its borders.
  • War Hawks

    Political: Members of congress that pushed for war against Britain
  • War of 1812

    Social: US waged war against Britain. Americans were deeply shamed when the White House burned down.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    Political: ended the Battle of 1812 in Ghent. US could head westward once more.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Political: Big American victory in the war of 1812. Ended British hopes of regaining land.
  • Andrew Jackson

    Political: He lead the Battle of New Orleans to an American victory.
  • Second Bank of the US

    Economical: Had control of currency and credit.
  • Rush-Bagot Treaty of 1817

    Political: Demilitarized the Great Lakes.
  • Period: to

    Era of Good Feelings

    Social: Politicians were in agreement for once. Federalists disappeared.
  • Gang System

    Economical: More efficient way of managing slaves.
  • American System

    Economical: program of government subsidies favored by Henry Clay and his followers to promote American economic growth and protect domestic manufacturers from foreign competition.
  • Panic of 1819

    Economical: American shipping boom ended; Symbol of transition.
  • Adams-Onis Treaty of 1819

    Social: We gained Florida as well as established a border between US and New Spain (Mexico).
  • Westward Movement

    Social: Americans began to settle and explore the west. A lot of group settlement.
  • John Quincy Adams

    Political: 6th president. Had a part in the end of the War of 1812
  • Missouri Compromise

    Economical: Missouri was now admitted to the union as a slave state, Maine as a free state, and forbid slavery in the northern Louisiana territory.
  • Slave Trade

    Economical: Near its end. Cotton's income replaced the trade's income.
  • House Servants

    Economical: were bought in order to help women in the house.
  • Denmark Vesey's Conspiracy

    Social: Most carefully devised slave revolt.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Political: The western hemisphere was now declared closed to European settlers and the US wouldn't interfere with European affairs.
  • Nat Turner's Revolt

    Social: A literate slave killed his owner.