
  • Naturalist- Being Born

    I was born in Modesto, California. I was a tiny, blonde haired, blue eyed infant who looked more like my dad than my mom. I was always a giggly and happy baby who never seemed to caused my mother any trouble unlike my troublesome siblings.
  • Deviance

    The Disney Coorperation decideds to pull off the "Steve the Tramp" doll from the shelves. According to the toy description, he is "A boozed-out boxer, Steve the Tramp is a big strong brute who believes kids without families are meant to be his slaves. He has dozens of homeless children combing the city, bringing him food, money and anything else they can get their hands on. He barely gives them enough to eat and treats them like dirt." (
  • Ethnocentrism- Moved to Colorado

    Ethnocentrism- Moved to Colorado
    In the summer of 1992, my family and I moved to Littleton,
    Colorado from Modesto, California. It was a diffrerent envirnoment with a lot less humidity.
  • Social Institution- Family

    My father got skin cancer that stopped our family activity for a while. He had to get surgery to have the cancerous mass removed from his skin.
  • Social Institution-School

    Social Institution-School
    I started kindergarten at the age of 4 at Bradford Elementary school. My teachers name was Mrs. Dunn and I had a best friend named Melissa. I remember walking into the classroom and sitting on the letter F on the floor. That was my seat whenever the class would get togehter.
  • Agent of Socialization- Work

    During the school year, doctors had to opperate on two hernias on my lower abdomon. Without my business, doctors wouldn't be making money to survive in our society.
  • Socialization- Starting soccer

    Socialization- Starting soccer
    I started rec. soccer with a team called the Cheetahs when I was only 6 years old. I had met a lot of knew people and also played with a bunch of girls who I already knew. I only played 3 vs 3 but it was still a big deal.
  • Criminal- Columbine Shooting

    Criminal- Columbine Shooting
    Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold shot and killed 13 people and wounded 23 at Columbine Highschool. According to the media, this was the worst school masacre in history. The police found the two suspects dead in the library strapped with devices that could potentially be bombs.
  • Social Interaction- Family Reunion

    I met the rest of my family on my fathers side at Sun River, Oregon for a family reunion. Some of them were a little bit crazy, but none-the-less, I met a bunch of family that I never kenw exsisted.
  • Taboo- 9/11

    Taboo- 9/11
    The September 11th attacks were a series of coordinated attacks by a group called the al-Qeada. A total of 19 hijackers took control over 4 commercial flights and crashed two of those flights into the North and South Towers and a third into the Pentagon. The forth flight crashed Shanksville, Pennsylvania.
  • Astigma- War in Iraq

    Astigma- War in Iraq
    When we went to war with Iraq, we automatically put a label on how the citizens were and how they acted towards Americans. The United States invaded on March 20, 2003 after the 9/11 attacks were assimilated.
  • Types of Crime- Against a Person

    Types of Crime- Against a Person
    Kobe Bryant of the LA Lakers was accused of sexually assulting a 19 year old female college student. He came to Colorado in the summer of 2003 for knee surgery and was said to have convicted the act at an exclusive spa.
  • Social Mobility- Arnold Schwartzenegger become Governer

    Social Mobility- Arnold Schwartzenegger become Governer
    On this day in 2003, actor Arnold Schwarzenegger is elected governor of California, the most populous state in the nation.
  • Performance- Super Bowl Halftime show

    Performance- Super Bowl Halftime show
    Superbowl XXXVIII was not just interesting because of the football, but also with the halftime show with Justin Timberlake and Janet Jackson. Justin tore off a piece of Janet's wardrobe, exposing her breast for 9/16ths of a second. The media all called this a wardrobe mafunction.
  • White Colar Crime- Martha Stewart goes to jail.

    White Colar Crime- Martha Stewart goes to jail.
    Martha Stewart began serving he jail sentence for lying about a suspicious stock sale. She was put into prison at the Alderson Prison camp. She was supposed to serve a total of 5 years in jail.
  • Social Institution-Economy: Hurricane Katrina

    Social Institution-Economy: Hurricane Katrina
    Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans as a tropical cyclone. It claimed more than 1,800 lives and left thousands more homeless. The hurricane ranked one of the costliest disastor in world history. Today, the people of the city are still trying to pick up the pieces to get their lives back to normal.
  • Assimilation-Transfered from Chatfield to Dakota Ridge High school

    When I transfered from Chatfield Senior High School to Dakota Ridge after my freshman year, I had to change the way that I veiwed certain things. There were many different people and different social norms that I had to adapt and learn just to fit in.
  • Counter Culture- Somalia Pirates

    Counter Culture- Somalia Pirates
    Pirates began hijacking German- owns cargo ships off of the coast of the coast of Somalia in the Gulf of Aden.
  • Status Symbol- Barack Obama

    Status Symbol- Barack Obama
    Barack Obama became the 44th president of the United States on January 20, 2009 with Vice president Jow Biden. He was the first African American president to take office. To many Americans, he was an inspiration and the change that the US needed.
  • Norms- London Trip

    Norms- London Trip
    My family and I traveled to London, England for a two week trip. Across the seas, there are a bunch of new things and exciting locations to experience that may be out of the ordinary to many Americans.