1763-1774 Tayloe Williams

  • Proclomation of 1763

    Proclomation of 1763
    This was a way for the Crown to take away western expansion of the 13 colonies. This ranged from Florida all the way to the Mississippi River. They took away the colonies rights to venture land that was acquired form the French and Indian War. This raised tension between the colonists and Great Britain because they are limiting the colonists freedom to expand and explore other areas, that may have more resources and supplies.
  • The Sugar Act of 1764

    The Sugar Act of 1764
    This act taxed goods like molasses, coffee, silks, and rum. This was created to help prevent the smuggling of molasses from other countries. This raised tension because once again the colonists were being taxed without representation and they were being held with the most unfair consequences if they went against the act.
  • Currency Act 1764

    Currency Act 1764
    The Currency Act disallowed the colonists to create their own paper bills or from of credit/currency because then Great Britain could not gain any profit themselves from the trading and money. This raised tensions a lot because it made the colonies not economically stable, this hurt them a lot.
  • The Quatering Act

    The Quatering Act
    This acts forced colonists to provide British Troops with shelter, supplies, food, resources, and ect; This raised conflict because the colonists were now having to share resources and they gained no benefit from it and they had no say in the matter.
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    The most well known act, was a law the taxed almost all paper items such as newspapers, calendars, pamphlets, dice, cards, and etc; This costed the colonies a lot of money, it also raised tension because they were being taxed without representation and it would soon stop their trading system.
  • The Declatory Act

    The Declatory Act
    This was an act that allowed Parliament to bind the colonists into laws in all ways. This raised tensions because it still have parliament control over the colonists, so it was not necessarily a win even though the Stamp Act had been appealed.
  • Townshed Act

    Townshed Act
    The town shed act is similar to the other tax acts however this act taxed paper, tea, glass, lead, and paint. This tax also only taxed imported goods. This raised tension again because they were being taxed without representation and having to pay more money again for basic trading.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    After the TownShed Act and The Quartering Act tension was high between troops and while troops were watching citizens a scuffle began to start after the scuffle gun fires and fighting broke out which left 3 Boston citizens dead. This raises tension because violence had broke out between their own government and it painted a picture that Great Britain was tyranny and evil.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    Tea began getting taxed a much more large amount. This was due to India and Great Britain creating a deal. This bypassed the colonists, so they could no longer make profit of tea nor could they smuggle the tea. So the colonist dumped all the tea into the river therefore, nobody could get profit. This raised tension because this was almost in a way the first time the colonists rebelled against the laws and it cost Great Britain a lot of money.
  • The Quebec Act 1774

    The Quebec Act 1774
    This act gave French Catholics more religious freedom and more rights since the area around Quebec was being allowed to expand. This raised tension because now the French Catholics are being given more rights then the colonists which is not fair. They are being more jobs which means more profit, while the colonists have no rights.
  • Quartering Act of 1774

    Quartering Act of 1774
    This act gave the troops much more freedom, they could now station themselves in anyone's homes, and take away their privacy. This raised tension because now the colonists really have no privacy and are almost under watch every single day.
  • Intolerable Acts (Coercive Acts)

    Intolerable Acts (Coercive Acts)
    After the Boston Tea Party, the Parliament decided to place a law(s) that would essential hurt Massachusetts and put strict rules on them. Ships were no longer allowed to be loaded or unloaded in Massachusetts, Massachusetts government officials were given safe havens, and all trials would be had in Great Britain now since Massachusetts basically had no say anymore. This raised tension because now the only government the colonists did had was taken away.