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  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    After Great Britain won the French and Indian war they put the Proclamation Act into place to stop the colonist from Westward expansion and expansion into newly acquired territory. This was partly to not anger the natives, but also to steer away from economic independence. For some areas like Ohio valley and Virginia based area the proclamation worked, but in other lands it did not. This was a beginning to the colonist choosing to rebel as most broke this act and expanded.
  • Sugar Act

    Sugar Act
    In order to discourage smuggling and increase pay to their debs Great Britain imposed taxes and tariffs on imported goods. They only let the colonist get goods like coffee and wine from them or they would be seized. The merchants were outraged at the searches and "taxation without representation," so they decided to protest.
  • Currency Act

    Currency Act
    In the act the British made it so that the colonist could not print their own currency and had to pay all taxes and debt must be paid in British currency. The colonist were barley able to abide by this because they did not often use British currency, so they staged protest against the act.
  • Quartering Act of 1765

    Quartering Act of 1765
    The quartering act required the colonist to make all accommodations possible to house and take care of the British soldiers. They had to make accommodations like housing, food, wine, and if they could not they had to find another way to help. As a response the colonist were not willing to comply but when the New York Assembly refused the British government disbanded them until they convinced them they were complying.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The British Parliament passed this act in order to pay for their debts in which the colonist had to pay taxes to the King on many things and faced extreme punishment for not abiding. The Colonist felt this was unfair, went against their rights, and was hard too follow considering the price was so high and they had so little economically. They wrote a letters to the king expressing how unfair the laws were and to their people explaining how they should go against the law as their response.
  • Declaratory Act

    Declaratory Act
    The Declaratory Act was passed in place of the Stamp Act and gave the British rulers rule to hold legal authority over the colonist; to pass laws and judge criminally. The colonist weren't as directly mad at the new law as they had seen examples displayed by other countries where they were not subjected to all the laws in the stamp act. They did however include this in their revolution as a reason to uprise.
  • Townshend Act

    Townshend Act
    The British parliament took a tax of all goods the colonist acquired from importing. The colonist found this unfair because they were not represented in government so there was no benefits from them paying on their goods to the king. They protested this by boycotting the goods that were taxed.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    In Boston tensions were high and many fights had broken out. This day there was a riot from the American rebels after they were fought against near the towns money for the king and they fought against soldiers. The soldiers killed and injured some of the protesters. This was an outrage to many and set motion the mood of the revolution.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The British gave right to East India to trade tea to the American merchants because East Asia was financially unstable. They were making Americans unprofitable and they were not tea smuggling anymore. The colonist acted very violently with uproars but some tea boats still went with it and brought the tea. Colonist snuck past and dumped all the tea as an act or rebellion. This showed how they were not going to be undermined and Britain had to punish them by closing harbors to show control.
  • Intolerable Acts

    Intolerable Acts
    As a punishment for the Boston Tea Party the parliament put in place these acts that were perceived as intolerable. The made the colonist completely pay back the fair of the tea and closed the ports until it was done. This sent the colonist of Boston into economic decline. They also banned many other meetings and gatherings.
  • Quebec Act

    Quebec Act
    Britain put out a new land order on Ohio valley injecting laws like no jury trial, church forced area, and it did not allow for the colonist territorial expansion. They were infuriated and with support of many a representative assembly formed and created the Continental Association to request their rights back. This was frowned upon by the king and ultimately the final straw between both parties.
  • Quartering Act of 1774

    Quartering Act of 1774
    The British Parliament yet again tried to stash soldiers in the homes of colonist. This time it was in Massachusetts to punish their rebellious behavior. The colonist all around would not stand for it and banded together in nonsupport.