1750-1918 timeline

  • Period: to

    1750-1918 assessment

  • Captain Cook lands at Botany Bay

    Captain Cook lands at Botany Bay
    Captain Cook lands at Botany bay and declares this land for England naming it New South Wales
  • Death of Captain Cook

    Death of Captain Cook
    On his third trip, He was tasked with discovering a passage connecting atlantic to the pacfic oceans that was not iced up.
    After searching for a passage though alaska they decided to go to hawaii. Whilst they were there tensions rose and it lead to the death of Cook and four marines.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    The war of 1812 was caused by the US not being very happy with the British. The British had stopped the trade between the French and the US.
  • First Passenger Railway

    First Passenger Railway
    George stephenson invented the first ever passenger train between liverpool and manchester.
  • Crimean War

    Crimean War
    The crimean war was a war in the middle east and Eastern europe over land. It also was over south American land. This War led to Alexander the 2nd to become emperor of Russia.
  • Eureka Stockade

    Eureka Stockade
    This is prehaps the moost important event in pre-Federation Australia. 500 gold diggers took an oath to the southern cross to fight to hold around one arce of land which was defended by a wooden barricade.they were armed with guns and pikes.
  • Federation of Australia

    Federation of Australia
    On the 1st of Janurary 1901, Australia became an interdepent nation although it was still technically governed by England but Australia was allowed to make it own laws.
  • First controlled flight

    First controlled flight
    Brothers Orville and Wilbur Wright achieve the first controlled, powered and man carrying flight.
  • Mawson's Expedition lands at Commenwealth bay

    Mawson's Expedition lands at Commenwealth bay
    This was an important event because this was Australia furthering it's self. Mawson helped to chart out the land of antartica.
  • World War One Begins

    World War One Begins
    This was an important event because it changed the world and created the modern world we live in. The end result was the end of multiple empires in europe and multiple new courtries in Europe and Middle East.