
  • industral revolution starts

    industrial revoluion was a huge part in the world becasue most of the invetions of the world were made becasue the whole trades and money became more important so more and more people wanted to make money with these great inventions
  • captin cook discovered australia

    captin cook discovered australia after finding two other countrys new zeland and antarctic and on his way back he found a huge island that is now called australia. this is sugnificant becasue without him finding it i might not be alive
  • captin cook dies

    Captain Cook was killed by the Aboriginals when roaming around Australia to find more land for the convicts
  • first fleet arivres in australia

    The first fleet came to australia and took it over. it took arround 250 days leaving at 1787. This is sugnificant because without us finding and takeing over Austrralia my mum and dad would not have met.
  • invention of telephone

    the telephone was great technolagy that made life easyer you could ring people from your own house. Back in the day people where amazed at this new telephone and it changed us so much
  • the gold rush

    in the gold rush everyone was searching for gold becasue if you found gold you would be rich depending on how big the gold is that you finde and swap it for cash
  • Ned kelly was born

    ned kelly was a major event to australia he was a bushreanger who was a hero to some and a villian to others he did what he beileved was right and right he was but after robbing a few banks the cops caught him and hung him in november 11 1880
  • eurika stockade

    The eureka stockade was a fight against the miners and the govenment the miners had no chance and were out numberd so they built a stockade so the police out but later on they brung it down and defeted the miners.
  • The first australian rules football game

    The first Australian rules football match was organisesed and refferes by tom wills. The game was against two schools which were melbourn gramma and scotch collage. It was a long match and went for a few days
  • Adolf hitler was born

    Adolf hitler was a huge change to the world when he was born. No one knew he was going to grow up to be the most deadly and dangerours man in the world with a dream to take over the wold and have a so called perfect world with everyone with blue eyes and blond hair. He killed millions of people mostly jews and nearly wipped out the Jews race all togeather
  • Titanic Sinks

    The Titanic was the biggest ship ever made at the time. It was a huge sucsess and it took people from southhampton to new york in a huge, new luxuary cruise ship. Everyone wanted to experience this huge new ahead-of-time cruise ship. Many rich people came across the world to get a glimpse of this beauty. It was a dream come true. For a while at least. After a few days of traveling, the titanic hit a huge ice berg and it peiced a hole in the hull the titanic slowly sunk. After the capten failed t
  • WW1 begins

    WW1 was a huge event when many people died it was a silly thing for land and revenge but most people who were in the war regret it.