First fleet 25c87ew


  • Beginning of the First Industrial Revolution

    The industrial revolution was when machines were discovered meaning there was more people needed to operate them and transfer resources. This started the skyrocket of population as everyone was moving to cities for a job.
  • First British Settlement In Adventure Bay

    The British came and colonized Tasmania because they were running out of room to hold convicts in England. Also the British thought the Aborigines didn't care about their land also the British sexually assaulted and abused the Aboriginals.
  • End of the Napoleonic Wars

    Napoleonic Wars, series of wars between Napoleonic France and shifting alliances of other European powers that produced a brief French hegemony over most of Europe. The war concluded when Napoleon was abducted for the second time.
  • End Date of the Age Revolution

    When a lot of political change occurred. This was mainly when a lot of monarchies became a democracy. Basically a lot of countries which one ruler which had a say in what happens who rules would pass down in the bloodline. Whereas a democracy is when people have a say who the ruler is also they cant make the decisions by themself.
  • The Date of the Shootout at Stringy Bark Creek

    Ned Kelly was on the run and found a group of policemen set up in the bush. So Ned went up to them calmy and asked for their weapons and if they didn't give them or tried to fight back he would shoot them. One of them went to cover so he shot him in self defense whereas the other just handed over his weapon. When the other two arrived they both tried to fight back and were killed in the mean time the one that didnt fight back escaped on a horse.
  • Beginning Date of the Boxer Rebellion

    The boxer rebellion was an uprising to get all foreigners out of China. This is because they were using China to boost their own countries economy also they were trying to convert the Chinese into Christians. This led to western powers sending troops to take over China until a truce was agreed upon.
  • The Date of the Battle of Beersheba

    The Australians used horses which were called walers which had good speed, strength and stamina. They rode these horses and used them to fight. They took over Beersheba because of their waterways, railways and weaponry. The attack caught the Turks off guard making it easy for the light hors brigade. After the war some of the horses were killed and the others given to another war none taken home.