
  • Treaty of 1783

    A treaty passed between England and the United States about the presence of British troops in Northwest territories. It was an agreement that no British troops would occupy Northwestern Forts in America.
  • United States' Frist President

    George Washington was elected to be the first President of the United States. He was elected and was appointed the Vic President of John Adams.
  • Estates General

    This was when King Louis of France organized a general meeting on the eve of the French Revolution. This was a desperate act by the King to generate revenue and authoize a meeting of assembled representatives.
  • Creation of the War, Secretary, and Treasury

    The Congress created Departments of War Treasury, and secretaries. This action was to propose that the Cheif executive needee help and needed someone to rely personal confidence in the people he worked with on specific matters of the nation.
  • Passing of the Judiciary Act

    This Judiciary Act passed by Congress provided a federal court system. It created a Supreme Court staffed by a cheif justice and five associate justices.
  • Kentucky Resolution

    Was a document that described the federal union as a compact. That states should retain full authority over all matters not specifically mentioned in the Constitution.
  • Hamilton's Report on Public Credit

    Was written by Hamilton that contained two major recommendations covering the areas of funding and assumption for government spending.
  • Bank of the United States

    In this event Hamilton propsed to Congress a government charter of a national bank. This would make the United States own millions of dollars and would secure the strength of the federal government.
  • Hamilton's Repot on Maufactures

    Hamilton proposed this to the Congress of how to improve the economic development of the United States. This document stated ways that the federal government might stimulate manufacturing.
  • London's Blockaid

    When the government of London decided to block French prots to neutral shippihng and captures American vessels that were heading to trade in the West Indies
  • Reign of Terror

    The Reing of Terror took place in France when a racial group killed more than 40,000 unaccusted prisioners. This left Ammericans confussed on the good of the exspantion of Republicism.
  • Jay's Treaty

    The Jay's treaty was signed to remove British forts from the United States, get payment for the ships overtaken in the West Indies, to improve commericial relations, and accept the importance of America's neutral rights.
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    The conflict was between people in the western area national government. The tax on whiskey that was a central grievance of the westerners. The tax was a part of treasury secretary Alexander Hamilton's program to centralize and fund the national debt.
  • Pinckey's Treaty

    This opened land on the Northern land boundry of Flordia and to open the Mississippi River for the right to depost goods without paying duties.
  • Washington's Farewell Address

    George Washington served many years in the military and political world of the United States. He formally retired from presidency. He spoke of the resolutions of all the conflicts that had arose in the United States government and also of how in the future the United States should steer clear of foreign disputes.
  • The Election of John Adams

    This was a election of the Second President of the United States in which John Adams ran against Thomas Pinkney and Thomas Jefferson. Adams was left with who ever had been in Washington's old cabniet. His vice preseident was Thomas Jefferson.
  • XYZ Affairs

    A diplomatic incident in which American peace commissioners sent to France by President John Adams were insulted with a bribe demands for their French counterparts, dubbed X, Y, and Z, in American newspapers. This incident heightened war against France.
  • Alien and Sedition Acts

    This legistature authorized the use of federal courts and the power of the presidency to silence the Republicans. The Alien Acts were mostly in the favor of a strong national government and the fact that the Federalists gained from the Acts.
  • Virginia Resolution

    Was written Madison who was a Federalist supporter. Madison urged the states to defend the rights of the American people. He proposed that the national government should not violate the natural contract between government and its people.
  • Peaceful Revolution

    The 12th amendment was ratified. Adams had appointed as many Federalist judges to office as possible. Also Thomas Jefferson was elected and he was determined to make it known that political parties only caused problems within government.