Chapter 7

  • Washington Elected

    Washington was made obvious choice as the first president. Many Americans loved him. To go against him was to go against the United States.
  • Judiciary Act of 1789

    Created a federal court system. Also allowed to set up thirteen court districts. Authorized John Jay as chief justice.
  • Hamilton's Report on the Public Credit

    Hamilton's researched revealed that the nation's outstanding debt stood at approximately $54 million. This sum represented various obligations that the US government had incurred during the Revolutionary War.
  • Jefferson and Hamilton

    Jefferson would be become Secretary of State. Hamilton would become Washingtons advisor. Both would have similar ideas for the future of America, just different ways of getting there.
  • National Bank Proposed

    hamilton sumbitted his second report to Congress in Jan of 1791. This would suggest a privately owned institution that would be funded in part by the national government.
  • Washington's Trips

    Washington visited many parts of the United States, accompanied by only one other secretary. Washington went through many towns where regular Americans flocked to see him.
  • Edmond Genet

    Genet, a young French minister, authorized privately owned American vessels to seize British ships in the name in France. This threatened American neutrality and British relationships.
  • French Revolution

    A revolution in France in which the king unleashed explosive revolutionary forces that toppled the monarchy and cost him his life. The men who seized power were militant republicans, ideologues eager to liberate all Europe from feudal institutions. Many were killed during bloody purges, many of which were suspected of monarchist sympathies during the so-called Reign of Terror.
  • Jay's Treaty

    John Jay was sent to negotiate terms of British abandonment of American forts. Overall failure and embarassment to Americans, and led French to question whose side America was on.
  • Battle of Fallen Timbers

    A battle between a major US army udner General Anthony Wayne and the Native Americans. The US army had recieved no British support from their allies. Indian resistances were crushed, and the Native people were compelled to sign the Treaty of Greenbille, formally ceding the land to the US government.
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    A tax on Whiskey led to the rebellion of men that refused to pay this tax. The president was able to put down the rebellion with fifteen thousand militiamen.
  • Treaty of San Lorenzo

    Defined the souther boundary of the US across the 31st parallel. Also allowed the depostition of goods in New Orleans without paying Duties, and the opening of the Mississippi. Was negotiated by Pinckey
  • Washington's Farewell Address

    A document that Washington wrote with the help of Hamilton. Although originally made for the end of his first term, it was edited to better suit the end of his second term.
  • Adams elected President

    The presidency term of Adams begines with an election in an atmosphere of mutual distrust.
  • Quasi-War

    Relations between the US and French have slowly deteriorated. French privateers have begun seizing American ships. Although not an official war, the hostile relations between French and America would be known as the Quasi War.
  • XYZ Affair

    The Affair of French and American Negotiations failing and the presentation of the French Minister of foreign relations's lackeys, labeled X, Y, and Z,
  • Alien and Sedition Acts

    These laws changed the terms between Foreigners and the US. The Alien acts allowed the president to expel suspicous men. The naturalization law made it so foriengers must wait 14 years before applying for US citizen ship, and the Sedition act meant that citizens found guilty by a jury of criminal libal were subject to fines and imprisonment.
  • Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions

    Kentucky Resolution was made by Jefferson and described Federal union as a compact. States transferred certain explicit powers to the natl gov, but the states retained full authority over matters not in Constitution. The Virginia Resolution, by Madison, urged the sates to defend the rights of the american people, but resis the notion that a sginle state legislature could have the authority to overthrow the federal law.
  • Adams's Finest Hour

    Adams's adds two new negotiators that will help pave the way for the Louisiana Purchase.
  • The Peaceful Revolution

    The tie between Jefferson and Burr for presidency. Would eventually lead to the election of Jefferson after Burr had become stubborn. Attempted to rig by Hamiliton, but ultimately failed.