Brayden Myrick 1st period

  • 200

    13,000 B.C.

    13,000 B.C.
    Paleo indians are the first people to come to Tennessee.
  • 300

    6,000 B.C.

    6,000 B.C.
    The Archaic indians come to Tennessee.
  • Mar 24, 750

    750 B.C.

    750 B.C.
    The Woodland indians first came to Tennessee at this time.
  • Mar 24, 1000

    The Mississippians

    The Mississippians
    The Mississippians first came to Tennessee in 1000 A.D. They are the fourth group of people to come to Tennessee country.
  • Mar 24, 1095


    This time in the world is when the Crusades began in Europe.
  • Mar 24, 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    This time period is when the Magna Carta was first written.This was the first idea of higher law. It stated that nobody was above the law.
  • Mar 24, 1271

    Marco Polo

    Marco Polo
    In 1271 Marco Polo went and visited China.
  • Mar 24, 1492

    Christopher Colombus

    Christopher Colombus
    Colombus set up continual contact between the old world and the new.
  • Mar 24, 1539

    Hernando De Soto comes to Florida

    Hernando De Soto comes to Florida
    In 1539 De Soto landed in Florida to purue what he thought would be unlimited riches for life.He came with select soldiers from the Catholic nations of Spain and Portugal. He came 47 years after Colombus first reached the New World.
  • Mar 24, 1540

    Hernando De Soto arrives in Tennessee

    Hernando De Soto arrives in Tennessee
    He was the first unknown European to set foot on what was to become Tennessee.
  • Mar 24, 1549

    Death of De Soto

    Death of De Soto
    In the spring of 1540, after crossing the Missippi River, De Soto got ill and died near what is now Memphis,Tennessee. His expedition that he started ended and the endless riches he seeked were never found.
  • The Fall of the Spanish Armada

    The Fall of the Spanish Armada
    The Spanish Armada was defeated by the Britsh in 1588. This paved the way for trade routes and discovery in the New World for England and France.
  • Jamestown was founded

    Jamestown was founded
    The english come to the New World and settle Jamestown.
  • Quebec is founded

    Quebec is founded
    In 1608 a frenchmen by the name of Samuel De Champlain founded Quebec.
  • The first English in Tennessee

    The first English in Tennessee
    In 1673 the first English settlers set foot on Tennessee country for the first time.
  • Pennsylvania is founded

    Pennsylvania is founded
    In 1682 William Penn founded Pennsylvania.
  • King Philip's War

    King Philip's War
    In 1689 King Philip's War started over who got the land that was at the Mississippi Valley. There were a series of war in this.
  • New Trading Post in Nasville

    New Trading Post in Nasville
    The French established a trading post in the Nashville area at this time.
  • George Boone

    George Boone
    In 1717 George Boone, Daniel Boon's father, left England and sailed to Pennsylavania to join the colony.
  • Georgia is founded

    Georgia is founded
    In 1732 James Oglethorpe founded Georgia.
  • Daniel Boone

    Daniel Boone
    In 1734 Daniel Boone was born.
  • Period: to

    The Longhunters

    At this time the longhunters entered Tennessee country for the first time in history.
  • The French and Indian War

    The French and Indian War
    In 1754 the French and Indian War started. It is one of the most famous wars of our history.
  • Daniel Boone first fighting

    Daniel Boone first fighting
    In 1755 Daniel Boone first began fighting in the French and Indian War. He wasn't famous at that time. He just wanted to help for the cause.
  • Ft. Loudoun is built in Tennessee by the British

    Ft.  Loudoun is built in Tennessee by the British
    In 1757 Ft. Loudoun was built by the British in the Cherokee territory on the bank of the Little Tennesse River.
  • The British and Cherokee relationship destroyed

    The British and Cherokee relationship destroyed
    In 1759 good relations between the British and the Cherokee ended horribly.
  • The Treaty of Paris is signed

    The Treaty of Paris is signed
    The Treaty of Paris was signed in 1763. This is a very famous treaty in our history.
  • William Bean settles the Watauga settlement

    William Bean settles the Watauga settlement
    William Bean and his party clear land in order to create the Watauga settlement. This is the first settlement in Tennessee history.
  • The Treaty of Fort Stanwix is negotiated

    The Treaty of Fort Stanwix is negotiated
    The British negotiated the Treaty of Fort Stanwix so they could move the Iriquios tribe to the territories of Kentucky and Tennessee.
  • Daniel Boone searches for the Cumberland Gap

    Daniel Boone searches for the Cumberland Gap
    In 1770 Daniel Boone left his home in persuit to find the Cumberland Gap. If found he could make a name for himself in history and it did.
  • Hard Labor Treaty is negotiated to open up Tennessee and Kentucky Territorries

     Hard Labor Treaty is negotiated to open up Tennessee and Kentucky Territorries
    The Hard Labor Treaty was negotiated to open up land in the Kentucky and Tennessee territories.
  • Boone constructs and indian trail through the Cumberland Gap

    Boone constructs and indian trail through the Cumberland Gap
    Boone and 30 of his woodesmen turned the indian trail into a road to travel through the Cumberland Gap.
  • Period: to

    The Revolutionary War

    In this timespan one of the most historic wars in American History began and ended. This historic war was the Revolutionary War.
  • The Cherokee tribe helps us in a crucial time of need

    The Cherokee tribe helps us in a crucial time of need
    The Cherokee indians decide to fight with the Americans in the Revoulutionary War. This is a very big move because we needed more resources.
  • The United States officially declare their independence from Britain

    The United States officially declare their independence from Britain
    In the 4th of july, 1776 United States officially declared their independence from Britain.
  • The Wilderness Road

    The Wilderness Road
    By 1790 the Wilderness Road, created by Daniel Boone and his Woodsemen, almost 200,000 people had gone west on this road.
  • Tennessee becomes a state

    Tennessee becomes a state
    In 1776 Tennessee becomes a state of the United States of America.
  • The War of 1812

    The War of 1812
    In this War the Shanneh indians and the Creek indians fought with the British and the Cherokee inidians helped the Americans.
  • The Trail of Tears

    The Trail of Tears
    Europeans forced 5 civilized indian tribes out of their territories in order for land and riches. They sent them west many miles which was called the Trail of Tears. It is called this because half of the indians that went on this dreadful journeys became ill and died.