My timeline

By Kevis32
  • President of 1797

    John Adams is elected President
  • Alien and sedition act

    Alien and sedition act
    Alien and Sedition Act
  • President

    Thomas Jefferson Republican from Virginia
  • Slavery

    Congress prohibits importing of African slaves
  • President

    James Madison Republican from Virginia
  • war

    War of 1812. Forces of the United States of America and those of the British Empire.
  • President

    Abraham Lincoln Republican from Illinois
  • Free slaves

    Free slaves
    Lincoln issues Emancipation Proclamation, freeing slaves
  • The war

    The war
    World War One begins: Germany invades Belgium
  • 14 point speech

    14 point speech
    President Woodrow WiIson put forth his Fourteen Points proposal for ending the war in a speech. In it he established the basis of a peace treaty and the foundation of a League of Nations.