

  • Period: Mar 11, 1450 to

    England History

  • Mar 11, 1485

    Henry VII became King of England

    Henry VII became King of England
    -He fought for the throne and King Richard lll died during battles. His name was Henry Tudor.
  • Mar 11, 1533

    Queen Elizabeth was Born

    Queen Elizabeth was Born
    -Queen Elizabeth became one of the most well known Queens of England. She was the daughter of Henry VIII and she never married. In the future, Elizabeth lead England into the “Golden Age” and had many successful years in the throne.
  • Mar 11, 1577

    Sir Francis Drake Travels Around the World

    Sir Francis Drake Travels Around the World
    Queen Elizabeth commissioned Drake to take a voyage around the world. He began his journey in 1577 and ended it in 1580. He pirated some Spanish ships on his voyage also. In total, his journey lasted 3 years.
  • Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots was executed

    Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots was executed
    -Queen Elizabeth the First sent Mary Stuart to jail, when she reached England because of her threat to the throne. Mary was next in line after Elizabeth to be Queen. Many plots against the Queen were blamed on Mary who was executed after many years.
  • Phillip ll of Spain

    Phillip ll of Spain
    -made the Spanish Armada invaded to conquer England. He was angry that Queen Elizabeth refused his proposal of marriage and wanted to expand his empire.
  • Queen Elizabeth the First died

    Queen Elizabeth the First died
    -Queen Elizabeth was almost 70 years old when she passed away and she was considered a great and powerful monarch who brought England together while encouraging arts and other studies.
  • King Charles ll was crowned King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland

    King Charles ll was crowned King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland
    -King Charles issued a declaration which was accepted by Parliament, and he was crowned King in May of 1660.
  • King William of Orange

    King William of Orange
    -formed an alliance between England, Austria, and Holland so that the Spanish and French rulers would not come together. This turned into a War called the War of Spanish Succession.
  • The Grand Lodge of England was formed

    The Grand Lodge of England was formed
    -Four Lodges from London came together and decided to make one lodge, which was a grand lodge. It was the first grand lodge made in the world.
  • France declared war on England

    France declared war on England
    -known as King George’s War; and the French also brought the war to the colonies causing more problems.