The U.S

  • Neutrality Act of 1935 allows the president to imopose an embargo on all parties in a war

  • Roosevelt supporting the chinese resitence to Japan, declines to enforce the Neutrality Act and does not declare ann embargo

  • In a defeat for islation Congess passes a new Neutrality act that permits sales of arms to combats in the war on a cash only basis

  • Trainig Act requires all men from ages 21 to 35 to register with local draft boards

  • Between 1940 and 1947 more than 10 million men will serve in the U.S armed force

  • U.S begins an embargo againsts Japan, cutting off all oil and steel shipments

  • Roosevelt orders the U.S Navy to attack German and Italian submarines

  • Germans begin U-boat attacks along the east coast of the U.S

  • A Japenese submarine attacks an oil refinary in California

  • Sugar and gasoline are rationed

  • D-day vallied forces on the coast bof france in Normandy

  • U.S marines invade the island of Iwa Jima

  • B-29 fire bombs attack on Tokyo, leaves much of city in ashes

  • U.S troops invaded Okinawa, mainland of the Ryukyus