My Great Life

  • Its a Boy

    Its a Boy
    I was born on Saturday January 4, 1997.
  • Period: to

    My Life

  • First comet

    First comet
    First comet of 1997 was saw:Comet 1997 A1.
  • First word

    First word
    On march 17 I said my first word, dad.
  • First catch

    First catch
    Caught my first fish and it weighed 2 lb. (Date is an estamate but year is correct)
  • First time

    First time
    Tiger Woods becomes the first golfer to hold all four major golf titles.
  • First shot

    First shot
    I shot my first gun.
  • Brother

    At 11:11 am my baby brother was born.
  • Terrible Event

    Terrible Event
    The US was attacked by terrorists.
  • Dead

    First time killing an animal.
  • Tragedy

    A tragedy at NASA occurs when the Space Shuttle Columbia explodes upon reentry over Texas
  • War

    US and Iraq began a war.
  • Confermes a mystery

    Confermes a mystery
    Mars rover MER-B (Opportunity) confirms to NASA that the area of their landing was once covered in water.
  • Car

    First time fixing a car.
  • Seven straight

    Seven straight
    American cyclist Lance Armstrong wins his record 7th straight Tour de France.
  • Hero dead.

    Hero dead.
    Rosa Parks dies.
  • Presidant

    US had elected the first black predidant Barack Obama.
  • Disaster

    Flood of 2008 made many people effected and alot of money spent to fix things.
  • Survive

    Friend suvives cancer.
  • Second lose.

    Second lose.
    Steelers loose their second super bowl againt the packers.
  • Losing a pet

    Losing a pet
    Got rid of my first dog.