Technology and Learning Theories

  • First computer used to instruct

    First computer used to instruct
    Flight simulators used to train MIT pilots.
  • Information Processing Theory

    Information Processing Theory
    Atkinson and Shiffrin's theory that learning is encoding information into human memory, the same way a computer stores information. The three kinds of storage. Sensory registers to recieve information, short-term memory to store information temporarily, and long-term memory to store it indefinitely.
  • Systems Theory

    Ludwig von Bertalanffy, Anatol Rapoport, Ralph W. Gerard, Kenneth Boulding establish Society for the Advancement of General Systems Theory. Learning is fostered by using a system of instruction based on behaviorist information--processing and cognitive--behaviorist theories. It's designed by stating goals and objectives, doing task analysis to set a learning sequence, matching assessment to objectives, creating materials, and field testing and revising materials.
  • B.F. Skinner writes Schedules of Reinforcement

    B.F. Skinner writes Schedules of Reinforcement
    Skinner forged the Behaviorist Theory, which states that behaviors are shaped by reinforcement that shapes a desired response. Skinner believed that people could be condidtioned to act in certain ways and should be rewarded with positive reinforecement or have something taken away when undesired behavior occurs, which is negative reinforcement. Skinner thought that learning is something that happens in the mind and can be inferred only by observable behaviors.
  • Computers used with Schoolchildren

    Computers used with Schoolchildren
    IBM 650 used in New York City for binary arithmetic.
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    Discovery Learning

    Jerome Bruner is credited for establishing this, which states that learning cognitive growth through interaction with the environment. Children are more likely to understand and remember concepts that they discover during their interaction with the environment. Teachers should provide opportunities for exploring and manipulating objects and doing experiments.
  • Cognitive-Behavioral Theory

    Cognitive-Behavioral Theory
    Robert Gagne published The Conditions of Learning. Gagne belived that learning is shaped by providing optimal instructional conditions. Conditions differ according to the type of skill being taught.
  • Computer-assisted instruction movement

    Federally funded projects use mainframes and minicomputer systems in schools.
  • Child Development Theory

    Child Development Theory
    Piaget writes that learning is cognitive growth through neurological and social maturation. Children go through different stages of development: Sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete, and formal operations. They do this by interacting with others.
  • Schools use computers for instruction

    CDC President William Norris discusses the computer system PLATO, and states that it will revolutionize instruction.
  • First microcomputer in schools

    First microcomputer in schools
    Desktops in classrooms let teachers have more control over district data processing offices.
  • Computer literacy movement

    Computer literacy movement
    Arthur Luerhrmann creates the term for skills in programming and using softward tools. It is said that students who are not computer literate with be disadvantaged.
  • Scaffolding Theory

    Scaffolding Theory
    Vygotsky writes Mind and society: The development of higher psychological processes. Learning is a cognitive development shaped by individual differences and the influence of culture. Adults and kids view the world differently. That difference is the Zone of Proximal Development.
  • Multiple Intelligencees Theory

    Multiple Intelligencees Theory
    Howard Gardner believed that learning is shaped by several types of intelligences: Linguistic, musical, logical/mathematical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, intrapersonal, interpersonal, and naturalist.
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    Integrated learning systems begin

    Central servers with connected computers become more dominant than stand-alone systems. Schools see the systems as cost-effective solutions for instruction to address standards.
  • The internet comes to town

    The internet comes to town
    Mosaic is the first web brower and changes the internet from being only text to text and graphics. Exciting times.
  • International Society for Technology in Education makes standards

    International Society for Technology in Education makes standards
    ISTE sponsored the creation of National Educational Technology Standards to guide technology skills for students, then for teachers and admin.
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    Internet used ALL THE TIME

    The internet is now used for online classes and distance learning, as well as in K-12 classrooms.