
timeline of my life

By nickb
  • Born

    born on january 22 1997
  • walked

    i walked when i was 10 months
  • First word

    First word
    first word around year
  • got my first fourwheeler

    got my first fourwheeler
    got it when i was about 5
  • started kindergarten

    started kindergarten
    started when i was about 5
  • first game system

    first game system
    got it when i was 6
  • moved to different school

    moved to different school
    moved to Botsford
  • youngest sister born

    youngest sister born
    born and her name is annalie
  • graduated elementary school

    graduated elementary school
    i did it when i was about 11
  • got my first gun

    it was a 30-30 bolt action for hunting it had a scope
  • first dirt bike

    first dirt bike
    got it when i was in 6th grade it was a cr80r racing bike and i raced it in a league
  • moved to wisconsin

    moved to wisconsin
    got my first snowmobile it was in 6th grade
  • first boat

    first boat
    got it in wisconsin and we always went fishing.
  • joined football in wisconsin

    joined football in wisconsin
    i joined football in 7th grade for Threelakes bluejays
  • moved back to michigan

    moved back here and now i go to Garden city middle school