washington and adams

  • washington was born

    washington was born
    Washington was born at 10 AM on February 22, 1732 at the family estate on the banks of the Potomac River, in Westmoreland County, Virginia
  • washington recevied his first offical appoinment

    washington recevied his first offical appoinment
    1749, Washington received his first official appointment
  • john adams was vice president

    john adams was vice president
    john adams was vice president from 1789 to 1797
  • wahington became president

    washington was president from 1789 to 1797
  • whiskey rebellion

    whiskey rebellion
    1791 the whiskey rebellion took place
  • adams died at his home

    adams died at his home
    Adams died at his home, miraculously, on July 4, 1826
  • jay's treaty

    jay's treaty
    The Jay Treaty, also known as Jay's Treaty and the Treaty of London of 1794