Chapter 10 Darnell

  • Austrian-Hungarian Empire

    The Austrian Hapsburgs controlled the territories of Bohemia and Hungary. Industry was becoming more and more popular. Socialists and factories were springing up. This shows how changes were taking place in Austria and Hungary.
  • ottoman empire

    The Ottoman Empire covered Eastern Europe and the Balkians to North Africa and the Middle East in the 1800s. Nationalist ideas started to break the empire down. Serbia and Greece became independent form the Ottoman empire. It became known as "the sick man of Europe." Europeans took over sections of land in the Ottoman Empire. This was important because it shows how the Ottoman Empire was affected by nationalist ideas.
  • congress of vienna

    The Congress of Vienna tried to create peace in Europe after the Napoleonic Wars. It created the German Confederation, which consisted of many separate states with weak bonds headed by Austria. This was important because it paved the way for the unification of Germany and redrew the borders of Europe.
  • revolts

    Nationalist revolts in Italy broke out all over the separate states. Each time, they were stopped by Austrian troops. This was significant because it showed how much the people wanted to unify Italy and get rid of foreign rulers.
  • Kingdom of Sardinia

    The Kingdom of Sardinia joined into the leadership of Risorgimento (Italian nationalist movement). This showed that the northern part of Italy wanted to have a unified Italy and have pride in their country.
  • Emmanuel II

    King Victor Emmanuel II of Sardinia wanted to increase the country's power by bringing all the small states together. He was a constitutional monarch. This proved that the leaders of states wanted to join together. Emmanuel had the motivation to unify Italy.
  • revolts

    The Hapsburg families tried to hold off nationalists as long as they could, because they were monarchs. People who wanted to have leaders from their own country revolted. The government held them back. This was important because it showed the government what the people wanted.
  • Cavour

    King Victor Emmanuel II appointed Count Camillo Cavour Prime Minister of Sardinia. Cavour believed in realpolitik. His job was to unify Italy. First, he built up Sardinia's economy. This was important because it put Cavour in the position to unify Italy.
  • secret deal

    Count Camillo Cavour made a deal with Napoleon of France that no one else knew about. Naopoleon agreed to help Sardinia if they got in a war with Austria. This was important because they had backup when Sardinia fought Austria.
  • war

    Sardinia and France fought and defeated Austria. They took over Lombardy. Other northern Italian States overthrew their leaders who were Austrian and joined Sardinia. This was important because Sardinia gained more territory.
  • new king

    After Giuseppe Garibaldi unified the southern part of Italy (sicily) and Cavour unified the northern and middle parts, Victor Emmanuel II was crowned King of Italy. Only Rome and Venetia remained separate. Cavour died. This was important because now Italy was almost fully unified.
  • Otto Von Bismarck

    King William I of Prussia made Otto von Bismarck Prime Minister. He believed in militarism, nationalism, and realpolitik. This was important because it put Bismarck in the position to unify Germany.
  • Alliance

    Otto von Bismarck formed an alliance with Austria. This was important because it helped Prussia when they fought together for territories in Denmark.
  • attack on territories

    Prussia and Austria conquered provinces in Denmark called Holstein and Schleswig. They split what they gained. Austria gained Holstein and Prussia gained Schleswig. This was important because it expanded Prussia's land.
  • Austro-Prussian War

    Since Bismarck believed in realpolitik, he lead the Prussians to break their alliance with Austria. They attacked the Austrians and it was called the Austro-Prussian War. Prussia won and took several German states, so the German Confederation no longer existed in the north. Instead, it was lead by Prussia. This was important because several more German states joined the Prussians and made them more powerful.
  • separation

    Ferenc Deak, a Hungarian leader, worked out a compromise that created the Dual Monarchy of Austria- Hungary. This was significant because it separated Austria and Hungary into two separate states.
  • Franco-Prussian War

    Otto Von Bismarck changed a letter sent by King William I and made it look like he had insulted France. France's leader Napoleon III declared war on Prussia. The French were unprepared and surrendered after only a few weeks. Prussia did not gain any territory, but did gain respect. This was significant because Prussia showed the rest of the world that they were a powerful nation.
  • first kaiser

    King William I became kaiser (emperor) of Prussia. Germany/Prussia became the second riech. The first reich was the Holy Roman Empire. This was important because it showed that Germany was now the greatest power of Europe, not France!
  • Kulturkampf

    Bismarck started the Kulturkampf, aka "battle for civilization". This ordered everyone to put the nation above everything else including the church, because Bismarck thought the Catholic church was gaining too much power. The governmnet passed laws to give themselves more authority than the church. This was significant because it was an attempt to make the people more prideful and nationalistic.
  • Industrial Germany

    In 1872, Germany had many railroads and industries. Their economy and population was growing. The House of Krupp (industrial complex) flourished and produced tons and tons of steel and weapons. The government made money that was alike for all Germans and reorganized the banks. This was significant because Germany strengthened since its economy was booming.
  • Kulturkampf ended

    Bismarck's plan of Kulturkampf failed. The Catholics backed the church and became more powerful. Bismarck stopped telling people to put the nation above the church, because it no longer was helping the nation. Since Bismarck was a realist, he made peace with the Catholics. This was important because it helped Germany to come back together after it started to separate.
  • william I

    King William I died. This was significant because now Germmany would have a new ruler.
  • King William II

    After King William I died his grandson, William II, became kaiser. He was confident and wanted to be remembered. This was significant because it started a new era in German history.
  • no more Bismarck

    King William II asked Bismarck to resign and said, "There is only one master in the Reich, and that is I." This was significant because Bismarck was no longer part of the government. The people liked him, so it was a change for them.