
10 historical events

By acxkss
  • The Enlightenment

    The Enlightenment
    It was an intellectual movement that was created in Europe and influenced politics, economics, science, art, religion, and other aspects of the culture.
    The consequences were a strong impetus for the development of the scientific method and science as we know it today. An other consequence was that the Church lost power because of this.
  • War of the spanish succession

    War of the spanish succession
    It was a war over the Spanish throne after the death without descent of King Charles II. The European powers were divided into 2 camps: the Grand Alliance, made of Britain, Holland, Portugal and Austria, which supported Archduke Charles of Austria; and France, which supported Philip V of Bourbon.
    Finally, the Treaty of Utrecht of 1713 ended the conflict, recognising Philip V as King of Spain and establishing the terms of peace and territorial concessions between the powers involved.
  • The War of the Polish Succession

    The War of the Polish Succession
    It was a fight for the throne of Poland and Lithuania after the death of King Augustus II the Strong. France, Bavaria and the Polish-Lithuanian Confederation supported the pretender to the Polish throne, Stanislaus. On the other side, the Austro-Russian Coalition led by Austria and Russia, which supported Augustus III of Saxony, the rival pretender to the Polish-Lithuanian throne.
    Its consequences were that Russia gained more power and also more control over Lithuania and Poland.
  • The 7 years war

    The 7 years war
    It was a series of conflicts between the big powers of Europe. They were divided into 2 teams:
    - Great Britain, the Kingdom of Prussia, the Kingdom of Portugal, Hanover and other German states.
    - France, the Austrian Empire, Spain, Sweden, Naples, Piedmont-Sardinia, the Kingdom of Saxony, the Mughal Empire and the Russian Empire.
    In the end, the first team won, with the consequence of England gained colonial power and France was weakened.
  • The industrial revolution

    The industrial revolution
    (1760 - 1840)
    It was a historical process of economic and social transformations that triggered changes throughout the world.
    This brought new technologies of large-scale production and the concentration of factories in cities.
    It led to a great accumulation of wealth, generally in the bourgeois sectors that owned factories or were engaged in trade and finance. This change also influenced the subsequent technological and productive innovations that expanded capitalism in a future.
  • American indepence war

    American indepence war
    It was a war of the original Thirteen British Colonies in North America against the Kingdom of Great Britain. The American Colonies wanted to secede from the kingdom to avoid paying the high taxes imposed on them. It e¡nded with the British defeat at the Battle of Yorktown and the signing of the Treaty of Paris.
    The consequence was that they became independent from England, creating a new country called the United States without any king.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    It is a political and social movement that occurred in the then Kingdom of France, which shook the foundations of the absolutist monarchy of Louis XVI and led to the establishment of a republican and liberal government in its place.
    Its consequences were the first proclamation of universal human rights, the end of the feudal order in the country and the creation of the Napoleonic empire.
  • Napoleonic wars

    Napoleonic wars
    It is a series of battles fought by France and a number of European countries that emerged against it, such as England, Spain and the Netherlands.
    These wars started because the French wanted to expand their new policy in Europe, but the neighbouring countries refused.
    The consequences were that the Napoleonic empire was dissolved because France lost the war. They also lost colonies, which they had to give to England.
  • Colonization of Africa

    Colonization of Africa
    The European countries began a race to dominate Africa, and the world, searching of agricultural and mining products and territory. This race would find expression in the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885, in which the European countries decided on the division of Africa.
    Its consequences were the ruination of the continent, creating armed conflict, ethnic strife, poverty, political violence, resource control, racism and inequality.
  • Disaster of 98

    Disaster of 98
    It was a political, social and economic crisis that Spain experienced after the loss of its last colonies in the Caribbean and Asia in 1898. The disaster of '98 provoked a change of mentality in Spanish society and a questioning of the country's political and social system, leading to a period of crisis and reflection known as the Generation of 98.