
10 Facts Timeline

By Naudia
  • Fugitive slave act

    Fugitive slave act
    If a slave was captured they were brought before a judge and evidence had to be provided by capture that the slave was on their property if evidence was sufficient the owner would return the slave to his or her home state
  • The Underground Railroad

    The Underground Railroad
    The Underground Railroad was a network of safe houses and people that were helping slaves escape from the south to the north to Canada
  • Missouri Comprimise

    this meant Maine could join the union as a free state to balance out Missouri joining as a slave state
  • 49ers

    -in 1848 gold was discovered in California thousands of people heading west hoping to become rich
    -by the and of 1849 more than 80,000 49ers arrived in California looking for gold
    -because of all these people it was over a number of the needy people to apply for statehood is push toward whether or not, California would join the union as a free state or slave state
    - to the Civil War because many people were expanding to California in search of gold create
  • comprimise of 1850

    comprimise of 1850
    1. Texas surrendered it's going to Mexico as well as his claims north of the Missouri compromise line dance were giving to the federal government and maintain the control of the El Paso that it had established earlier in 1850
    2. California want to be a Freestate with its current boundaries was excepted and a southern proposal to split California at parallel 35° north to provide a southern territory was denied
  • The Great debate

    1.The massive debate in the Senate
    2. Between Clay and Calhoun
    3. From 1850 Clay proposed many solutions to problems
    4. Cahone was very frank with his address to clay
    5. Calhoun supported seceding
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    Of the Tom's cabin describes the reality of slavery while asserting that Christian love can overcome something as destructive as this best-selling novel following the bible
  • Free soil Party

    Free soil Party
    -it was a small party to oppose slavery while westward expansion was present from 1848 to 1854
    -The Wilmont concept failed but it was geared toward the Freesoil party
    -in 1854 with the party had died down it became the Republican Party this party oppose slavery calling it evil
    -free soil free-speech free labor free man this statement Attracted the small farmers and household/millworkers that were against slavery
    -it contributed to the Civil War by causing more tension with views on slavery
  • Election of 1860

    -democrats in the north chose Douglas to represent them and the Democrats in the north choose John c Breckinridge
    -The constitutional union party dominated John bell
    -The Republicans settle on Abraham Lincoln
    -Lincoln 40% of the votes on the 180 electoral Votes
  • Wilmont Provision

    Wilmont Provision
    -it was a bill that proposes that territory that United States gained from Mexico no slavery of any kind could exist
    -The Wilmont provision was able to pass House of Representatives since there were more northerners in favor of it than there were southerners who were against it however was rejected by the Senate in which there were more southern representation which meant Congress could not pass it as a law it went on for many times but each time they Tried getting it passed the Senate did not a