Zimbardo Experiment

  • Prisoners Arrested

    Prisoners Arrested
    College students are arrested and brought to the Standford Jail.
  • Period: to

    Zimbardo Prison Experment

  • 8612

    Prisoner 8612 breaksdown and had to be released.
  • Rebellion

    Prisoners rebel against guards. Guards then used a fire estinguisher to control the prisoners. The prisoners' beds and clothes were taken. They were then harassed and intimidated.
  • Break in

    Break in
    Rumors apread about a break in and the prisoners were evacuated and the cells were taken down as if the experiment was taken down early. urns out the break in was a false alarm.
  • Spy: Dave Gorchoff

    Spy: Dave Gorchoff
    It turns out one of the prisoners was a spy who was a Stanfor student in charge of gathering information about the prisoner's plans. However, he also transformed into a hopless prisoner.
  • 416

    In place of prisoner #819, a new prisoner #416 is called in to take his place. He goes on a hunger strike after realizing what he got himself into.
  • Visitors

    Family and friends came o visit. The prisoners were treated better so that the parents won't take hem away.
  • Priest

    A catholic priest comes to talk to each prisoner individually.
  • 819

    The defiant prisoner 819 was about to be released due to his breakdown, however due to the chantings of the other prisoners, prisoner #819 decided to continue to be a prisoner. It took a lot of convincing to finally make prisoner #819 understand that he was not a prisoner #819, but Stu Levin. And he was taken out of the experiment.
  • Worry

    After the priest visit, parents were informed about getting a lawyer. Worried, the parents called in lawyers to take their son out of "jail".
  • Liberation

    The prison experiment ends.
  • Christina Maslach

    Christina Maslach
    Christina was a graduate student of physcology and realized how something had to be done about the expeirment.