
  • describes alliance

    Benito Mussolni describes alliance between Italy and Germany as an ''axis''
  • Anti-Comintern Pact

    The Anti- Comintern act was signed on this day ,and was concluded between the Europe of Jpan and Nazi Germany.
  • aimined

    The German ultimatum for the Czech withdrawal from the Sudetenland by 1 October remains. But there is a report of a new deadline which was this day
  • Sudetland medal

    October 1,1938 Commemorative Medal commonly known as the Sudetenland Medal was a decoration of Nazi Germany awarded in the interwar period
  • Invasion of Poland

    The German satrted invading Poland shortly after signing the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact
  • Declare war

    British and France declare war on Germany ,due to the fact of Hitler's invasion on Poland
  • Molotov declares Polish goverment

    On this day in 1939, Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov declares that the Polish government has ceased to exist, as the U.S.S.R. exercises the “fine print” of the Hitler program
  • Germany invades Norway and Denmark

    Germany invades Norway and Denmark ,German warships enter major Norwegian ports, from Narvik to Oslo, deploying thousands of German troops and occupying Norway.
  • the armistice was signed

    The armistice, signed by the French on June 22, went into effect on June 25, and more than half of France was occupied by the Germans.
  • Battle of Britian

    On this day in 1940, the Germans begin the first in a long series of bombing raids against Great Britain, as the Battle of Britain, which will last three and a half months, begins. .And on July 10, 120 German bombers and fighters struck a British shipping convoy in that very
  • France requires jews to register

    uly 22, 1941: Vichy France requires Jews to register their businesses, excluding them from commerce. Germans halt just south of Leningrad to have war.
  • Pearl harbor is in assult

    A swarm of 360 Japanese warplanes followed, descending on the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor in a ferocious assault. The surprise attack struck a critical blow against the U.S. Pacific fleet and drew the United States irrevocably into World War II. With diplomatic negotiations
  • the united states declares war on japan

    December 8, 1941 - Franklin Roosevelt asks Congress for a Declaration of War with Japan. On December 8, 1941, the day after Japanese forces attacked the Pearl harbor
  • The Hitler Stalin pact

    On this day in 1939, Germany and the Soviet Union sign a non-aggression pact, stunning the world, given their diametrically opposed ideologies.