WWII Timeline

  • Geneva Convention

    Discussed laws for treatment of wounded or captured personnel,
    Series of international diplomatic meetings
  • Period: to

    Neutrality act

    To avoid US involvement in war
    Restricted Americans to prevent angering other countries
  • Nuremberg laws

    Stripped Jews of their rights,
    Made Nazi party stronger, Germany strays further from allied governments
  • Japan invades China

    Japan advances military,
    Ends with the surrender of Japan at the end of WWII
  • Period: to


    Increased tension with German cities
    Increased tension as a result of the assassination of Von Rath
  • Period: to


    Used by Germany to overwhelm opponents, Germany swept through Poland, Norway, and France
  • Nonaggression pact

    Pact between the USSR and Germany,
    Attempted to keep USSR on peaceful terms
  • Poland ceases to exist

    Germany invades Poland starting WWII,
    Government ceases due to the non aggression pact
  • War declared on Germany by Poland, Britain, and France

    Response to march on Poland,
    Starts essentially all of WWII
  • Cash and Carry

    GB paid cash to US for supplies, GB transports with their own ships, Strengthens allies
  • Luftwaffe and RAF bombings

    Germany suffers loss,
    Luftwaffe suffers loss of resources
  • Hitler invades Norway, Denmark

    Germany slips through mines laid in Norway,
    Denmark surrenders to German invasion
  • Period: to

    Hitler splits France

    One side occupied by German troops
    Becomes gateway to D-day
  • Period: to

    USSR annex Baltic states

    USSR establishes military bases
    Compels Baltic governments to resign
  • Selective Service Training Act

    All males in US 21-36 required to register,
    Strengthens US military
  • Tripartite Pact

    Axis powers formed,
    Aimed at US who was neutral
  • Lend Lease Plan

    Helped keep US safe while contributing to war effort,
    Increased strength of Britain and France
  • Hitler breaks Stalin agreement

    USSR joins allied efforts,
    USSR becomes enemy of Germany
  • Order #8802

    Bans discriminatory employment practices, Further separates US from German practices
  • US cutoff with Japan

    Retaliation of japanese occupation of indo-china,
    Freezes japanese assets
  • Atlantic Charter

    Outlined goals for the war, used for political Gain.
    Inspires British/Allied powers against Germany
  • Pearl Harbor

    Causes US to declare war,
    Surprises US military
  • US declares War

    Against japan after pearl harbor,
    Defense groups mobilized on coasts
  • Period: to


    One of the largest and longest and bloodiest battles of modern warfare
    Russia retakes Stalingrad
  • Period: to


    US surrendered at Bataan peninsula
    Forced to march to camps
  • U-boat attacks

    Germany dominates waters off the east coast
    Tried to halt US shipping to Britain
  • Order #9066

    Japanese relocation, Authorized internment
  • Period: to


    US navy victory
    Defense of the Midway Island
  • Period: to

    El Alamein

    Britain overwhelms german and italian troops
    Withdraws men to tunisia
  • Island Hopping

    Increases Axis control
    Japan especially gains control of the pacific
  • Period: to

    Liberation of Concentration Camps

    US, USSR liberated camps, pressing further against Germany
    Freed the people living in the camps.
  • D-Day

    Allied liberation
    Allies control western Europe
  • Period: to


    Last major offensive with Hitler
    Allied Victory
  • Korematsu v. U.S.

    Forced relocation after order 9066
    US further becomes an enemy of Japan
  • Period: to

    Yalta Conference

    Discussed post-war organization
    Between the US, Britain, Soviet Union
  • Period: to

    Iwo Jima

    US decimates Japan forces
    Very few of the Japanese forces survived
  • VE day

    Celebrate victory in Europe,
    Rejoicing in defeat of Nazi Germany, Tension deescalated
  • Period: to

    Potsdam Conference

    Truman, Churchill, Stalin
    Determined results in Germany after the War
  • Hiroshima

    Retaliation from Pearl Harbor
    Japan later surrenders
  • Nagasaki

    Retaliation from Pearl Harbor
    Japan later surrenders
  • VJ day

    Celebrates victory against japan,
    Celebrates end of WWII, Tension deescalated