WWII Timeline

  • Mao Xedong Heads Long March

    Mao Xedong Heads Long March
    After Jiang Jieshi came to power for the Nationalists party, The communist party and the KMT started fighting and their partnership was ruined. A civil war broke out and when the KMT nearly had the communists cornered, the cummunists went on a long march. This was very dangerous and lots died, but it was a heroic moment for the communists in China.
  • Germany Invades Poland; France and Great Britain Declare War on Germany

    Germany Invades Poland; France and Great Britain Declare War on Germany
    Germany and Russia signed a non aggression pact, and shortly after, Germany went into invade Poland. In the nonaggression pact, Germany agreed to split Poland with the USSR. Next, he was planning a blitzkreig or "lightning war". As a result, the Allies declared war on Germany along France's border.
  • Japan Attacks Pearl Harbor

    Japan Attacks Pearl Harbor
    Prior to Pearl Harbor, the United States had not gotten involved in WWII. Then, under Yamamoto, the Japanese launched an attack on Pearl Harbor. This was devasting to the USA, and gave them reason to join the war. After Pearl Harbor, the US had trouble trusting any Japanese immigrants, so they were all sent to concentration camps.
  • Allies Use Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    Allies Use Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    A top secret project called the Manhattan Project was devised by Truman, Oppenheimer, and General Groves. The US made atomic bombs and threatened to explode them in Japan if they refused to surrender. After testing one in New Mexico, the US launched two atomic bombs, one in Hiroshima and the other in Nagasaki. This devasted those areas and led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians.
  • United Nations Formed

    United Nations Formed
    The United Nations was formed to replace the League of Nations. The UN was formed to promote peace between countries. The League of Nations had flaws. For example, Japan backed out and declared war on China. As a result of the League of Nations' failure to keep peace, the United Nations formed.
  • Germany Surrenders

    Germany Surrenders
    Germany surrenders at the Battle of the Bulge on May 9th, 1951. Hitler faced war on two fronts, and had already exhausted his military forces on the many other battles they participated in. The Allies had Berlin surrounded, and Hitler surrendered.