• Germany Invades Poland

    Effectively beginning the war
  • Period: to

    WWIi Timeline

  • Blitzkriedg takes Denmark and Norway

    Germany establishes Blitzkrieg and goes on all out attack on countries even though many of Hitlers Generals believed they were not prepared but he showed them up when he swiftly and forcefully took Norway and Denmark proving his power.
  • Mussolini Ivades France

    Mussoline invaded France from the South wanting more land for Italy's. France was at the same time being attacked by the Germans and was being pressured on all sides which led to their eventual surrender.
  • France surrenders to Germany

    After getting trapped and defeated (narrowly avoiding capture) at the battle of Dunkirk. Later that month France surrendered the northern half of France to the Germans (this included Paris). The South of France was named Vichy France.
  • Russia take Romania

    The Soviet Union continues it's aggressive acts towards other European states. The Soviet Union forced Romania to cede the province of Bessarabia to Ukraine to help it gain some power during the war.
  • Germany loses the Battle of Britain

    After months of bombing by the Luftwaffe on Britain the result was a loss. Germany was not able to destroy air defences, they also failed to get Britain to plead for peace and instead were handed with a decisive defeat that would have otherwise crippled Britain
  • New Recruits to the Axis

    Slovakia, Hungary and Romania join the axis with Germany, and Italy in the fight against the Allies. This will only strengthen their power but Germany remains the main force behind the Axis power.
  • Soviet Union enters Finland

    The Winter War begins as the Soviet Union invades Finland, Finald calls for an armistice with Russia to seace the War but had to give up their coastline in payment for the peace.
  • The Axis takes Yugoslavia

    Italy, Germany, Hungary, and Bulgaria and shred it to pieces. Yugoslavia surrendered on Aril 17th. Germany and Bulgaria invaded Greece shortly after to support Italy.
  • the Axis goes after Russia

    Germany defies the Treaty of Non-aggression between Germany and Russia and invades Russia along with the help of the Axis (excluding Bulgaria). They win several crucial battles over the course of the 5 month offnsive and continually beat back the Russians until the Russian winter.
  • Pearl Harbor

    In a day that will go down in infamy, Japan did the unthinkable and attacked the US at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. This was the straw that broke the camels back and the very next day the US joined the war effort with the allies by declaring war on Japan.
  • Axis declares war on US

    The Axis of Evil declares war on the United States after they entered the war. The US would have been their target after the domination of Europe but now the US was a player in the war and became a major player in it shortly after their entering.
  • The Counter Offensive Begins

    The British brought the war to Germanys front door by bombing the city Koln, this was the first time Germany was attcked. These attacks continued for the next three years and German cities were leveled in the process.
  • Japans island hopping ends

    The US and British navies embark on a campaign to stop Japan's domination of Pacific islands and effectively do at the Battle of Midway which halted Japanese advance and put them on the defensive, a first for the war.
  • The Casablanca Conference

    Held in Casablanca, Morocco. It was an Ally conferecne to discuss tactics, resources and the subject of democracy. They also came up with the doctrine of "unconditional surrender" this was the determination of the Allies to utterly defeat the Axis powers.
  • North African campaign ends

    Germany and Italy had been fighting Britain in Norther Africa for nearly 2 years and on this day the Axis surrendered to the Allies in Tunisia which ended the war on the African front.
  • Cairo Conference

    This was a conference to decide the Allies stance on Japan during WWII. It was attended by the leaders of Japan, the US, and the UK and discussed how war would be carried out between them.
  • Tehran Conference

    This was a conference between the "Big Three"; the US, USSR, and the UK. It was attended by them a few days after the Conference of Cairo because the Stalin refused to attend because they did not want to have problems with their peace treaty. It addressed relations against the Axis as well as other neutral countries.
  • D-Day

    Allied forces land at Normandy, invading German occupied land to a decisive victory
  • Hitler dies

    On April 30th, Hitler along with his new bride and longtime companion Ava Braun commit suicide via gun and syanide capsul. This destroys German moral and they subsequently surrender days later,
  • Germany surrenders

    Germany technically surrenders 2 times, once to the western allies and again to Soviet Russia. This ends the war on the western front and nearly brings an end to the war itself.
  • Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    The US proceeds to effectively end the war in the Pacific by dropping nuclear bombs on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Japan was afraid of further decimation and surrendered roughly 1 month later.
  • Hiroshima Bombing

    American plane Enola Gay drops Atomic Bomb "Little Boy" on Japanese port city Hiroshima, the first ever attack with a Nuclear Weapon
  • Nagasaki Bombing

    Three days after the first bombing, American plane Bocksar dropped an Atomic Bomb called Fat Man on Japanese port city Nagasaki
  • Japan surrenders

    Japan agreed to an unconditional surrender on August 14th but they formally surrender on September 2nd. Seeing as how the war in the Pacific was the only remaining front of the war this effectively ended the Second World War.