• Hitler takes power.

    Hitler is appointed Chancellor.
  • Hitler becomes Fuhrer.

    Adolf Hitler becomes Fuhrer after President Hindenburgs death. He sees this as a chance to take total controll of Germany.
  • Hiter violates the Treaty of Versailles.

    Hitler uses weapons banned under the Treaty Versailes. This made other country angry.
  • Germany invades the Rhineland

    German troops invade the Rhineland. This violates the Treaty of Versailles.
  • Japan invades China.

    Japan begins their invasions by invading China. millitary
  • Rape of Nanking

    300,000 men women and children died in this action. Japan denies this event ever occured. political
  • Non-agression Pact

    Germany and Russia agree to a Non-Agression pact. This is an agreement where the two promise to be at peace with one another.
  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland causing many people to lose trust in Germany so they declare war. Millitary
  • Churchhill takes power

    Winston Churchill is named British Prime Mininster. This gives Great Britain new hope.
  • Italy declares war

    Italy declares war on Great Britain and France
  • Lend Lease Act

    Roosevelt signs the Lend Lease Act. This act allows the United States to sell weapons and vehicles to Europe as long as they can pay back after the war.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Japaneese bombers bomb Pearl Harbor. United States declares war on Japan.
  • Germant declares war on the United States

    Germany decares war on the U.S after the bombing of Pearl Harbour.
  • U.N declaration

    26 countries sign the declaration of the United Nations. All of which are allied countries.
  • Italy surrenders

    Italy surrenders to America.
  • D-Day

    America invades through the Beaches of Normandy to catch the Germans ofguard.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    The battle in which Hitler tried to seperate the allies to make them easier to fight.
  • Mussolini dies

    Mussolini is captured and hung by Italians.
  • Hitler dies

    Adolf Hitler commits suicide.
  • Hiroshima

    USA drops a nuke on Hiroshima. This leads to Japans surrender.