• Mussolini takes power

    Mussolini takes power
    Mussolini becomes dictator of Italy and establishes a facist government.
  • Hitler publishes Mein Kampf

    Hitler publishes Mein Kampf
    While imprisoned, Hitler creates a manifesto on his views and wants for the German government and people.
  • Stalin rises in Russia

    Stalin rises in Russia
    Stalin becomes the leader of the communist Soviet Union from his brutality in politics. He quickly establishes a god like aura to the Soviet people.
  • FDR becomes US President

    FDR becomes US President
    After the blunders of Herbert Hoover, Democrat FDR starts to rebuild the US from the depression.
  • Hitler becomes leader of Germany

    Hitler becomes leader of Germany
    After being elected German chancelor, Hitler quickly takes all control of the weak German government and establishes Nazi influence quickly.
  • Germany invades the Rhineland

    Germany invades the Rhineland
    Germany invades the DMZ between Germany and France. An area of economic importance and also stepping on the Treaty of Versailles.
  • Germany anexes Austria

    Germany anexes Austria
    After the Austrian government refuses to join Germany, this violated the Treaty of Versailles, Hitler invades Austria which was popular among the Austrian people
  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland
    Germany first implements the use of blitzkrieg to devastating effects against the weak and tactically stale Polish military.
  • Brittain/France declare war on Germany

    Brittain/France declare war on Germany
    France and Brittain had sworn to protect Poland. After Germany's attack France/Brittain had no other choice.
  • Germany, Italy, Japan become the Axis

    Germany, Italy, Japan become the Axis
    All had goals of expanding empires and anger towards the West. This was to strengthen them and spread the Allies.
  • Battle of Brittain 1940

    Battle of Brittain 1940
    Germany launches a full scale aerial assault on the British mainland. The Brittish won stopping Germany's air dominance.
  • Germany/Italy declare war on US

    Germany/Italy declare war on US
    After the US declares war on the US, Germany and Italy help their ally Japan.
  • Pearl Harbor Attack

    Pearl Harbor Attack
    Japan launches a surprise attack on the US Pacific Fleet with the goal of destroying it. The Japanese fail to sink US aircraft carriers but cause many casulities.
  • US declares war on Japan

    US declares war on Japan
    The US retaliates to the attack on Pearl Harbor and quickly declares war on Japan. This entered America into conflict.
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    The US cracks the Japansese Naval code and becomes aware of a looming attack on US bases at Midway. The US counter attacks and wins the battle.
  • Victory at Guadalcanal

    Victory at Guadalcanal
    The US takes a major island in its first major land victory in the war. This began the US island hopping campaign.
  • Internament of Japanese-Americans

    Internament of Japanese-Americans
    An executive order has all people of Japanese race on the West coast under the "care" of the US military. They were placed in camps.
  • Operation Torch

    Operation Torch
    The US invades North Africa and opens conflict against Italy/Germany. The US and Brittish both fight the Axis.
  • North Africa liberated

    North Africa liberated
    The Allies liberate North Africa of the Axis freeing up ports for the transport of oil to the allies. This also gives the allies a base to attack Europe.
  • Battle of Tarawa

    Battle of Tarawa
    The US fight a bloody battle against the Japanese in their island hoping campaign. This becomes a US base/airbase.
  • Siege of Stalingrad

    Siege of Stalingrad
    The most bloody battle in WWII with over 2 million causilities. Germany and the Soviet Union both want control of the city with Stalins name.
  • Operation Overlord

    Operation Overlord
    The Battle of Normandy. This was a joint assualt on France by the Allies.
  • Battle of Leyte Gulf

    Battle of Leyte Gulf
    Large Naval Battle between the US and Allies vs Japan. The allies won in the largest naval battle in history.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    The Germans last large counteroffensive against the Allies. The goal was to split the Allies and force peace negotiations.
  • Liberation of Auschwitz

    Liberation of Auschwitz
    Soviet troops liberate the largest Nazi death camp. The camp, in Poland, led to many Nazi war crime convictions.
  • Iwo Jima captured

    Iwo Jima captured
    The US captures an island vital for air raids. The iconic flag raising was here.
  • Battle of Okinawa

    Battle of Okinawa
    The last battle of the Pacific theatre led to the most casualities. Became air base even closer to Japan.
  • Germany surrenders

    Germany surrenders
    Germany surrenders after the capture of Berlin and the suicide of Hitler.
  • FDR Dies

    FDR Dies
    FDR died leading to the VP becoming president and the eventual bomb dropping on Japan.
  • Hitler commits suicide

    Hitler commits suicide
    With Soviet troops closing in on Hitlers private bunker he shoots himself and his family. Body was not identifiable by Soviet troops.
  • V-E Day

    V-E Day
    The day Germany surrenders ending hostilities in Europe.
  • Atomic Bomb: Hiroshima

    Atomic Bomb: Hiroshima
    The US drops a nuclear bomb destroying almost the entire city. This was the first use of nuclear weapons in war.
  • Atomic Bomb: Nagasaki

    Atomic Bomb: Nagasaki
    The final city the US bombs. This was the last time a nuclear weapon was used in war and led to Japans surrender.
  • V-J Day

    V-J Day
    Japan surrenders after the US drops bombs on two of its cities. The emperor announced to the Japanese people. This ended the war.