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WWI Timeline

  • Assassination of Franz Ferdinand

    Assassination of Franz Ferdinand
    The heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie are murdered by Gavrillo Princep, a Serbian nationalist
  • Lusitania Disaster

    Lusitania Disaster
    The Lusitania was a British passenger ship that was sunk by a German U-boat killing 1,198 people including 128 Americans.
  • First Battle of the Somme

    First Battle of the Somme
    British lost 1.2 million men for only 7 miles of land. This battle lasted 3 years.
  • The Zimmerman Note

    The Zimmerman Note
    A telegram sent from German foreign minister to the German Ambassador in Mexico. Proposed an alliance with Mexico and a promised return of Arizona, Texas, and New Mexico.
  • USA Joins the War in Europe

    USA Joins the War in Europe
    After the Lusitania Disaster and the Zimmerman Note, the USA declares war on Germany and heads to France.
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
    The treaty that was signed by the new Bolshevik government of Russia and the Central Powers that officially ended Russia’s participation in the war.
  • Second Battle of the Marne

    Second Battle of the Marne
    The last major German attack that was counter attacked by the Allies with several tanks and took severe casualties.
  • Austria-Hungary Surrenders

    Austria-Hungary Surrenders
    A solicited armistice between the Allies and Austria-Hungary was signed at the Villa Giusti
  • Armistice of 11 November 1918

    Armistice of 11 November 1918
    The armistice signed at Le Francport that ended fighting on land, sea, and air in WWI between the Allies and Germany
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The treaty that ended WWI and broke up the Ottoman Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire.