WWI Timeline

  • Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife, Sophie, were assassinated in Sarajevo by Gavrilo Princip
  • First Austria-Hungarian Advance on Serbia

    First Austria-Hungarian Advance on Serbia
    The first Austria-Hungarian advance on Serbia began and failed spectacularly
  • Little Willie Created

    Little Willie Created
    Little Willie, the world's first tank, was produced
  • 1st Battle of the Somme

    1st Battle of the Somme
    The First Battle of the Somme led to 870,000 casualties
  • Eurith Trax writes “The First Time It Rained”

    Eurith Trax writes “The First Time It Rained”
    Eurith Trax writes “The First Time It Rained”, detailing her journey to Base Hospital No. 18
  • Period: to

    Base Hospital No. 18 acts as a base hospital

    Base Hospital no. 18, the hospital that Eurith Trax served at, acts as a camp
  • Eurith Trax Writes to Her Parents

    Eurith Trax Writes to Her Parents
    Eurith Trax writes to her parents about the first few days at Base Hospital No. 18 and the living conditions there
  • Eurith Trax Writes to Her Parents

    Eurith Trax Writes to Her Parents
    Eurith Trax writes to her parents about life at Base Hospital No. 18, such as the annoying french gnats
  • Eurith Trax writes to her Mother

    Eurith Trax writes to her Mother
    Eurith Trax writes to her Mother about the events at Base Hospital No. 18, such as her stint incarcerated due to fear of illness
  • Treaty of Versailles Signed

    Treaty of Versailles Signed
    The Treaty of Versailles was signed, putting an end to WWI