WWI Time Line

By AFL205
  • Russian revolts, USA joins the war.

    Russia worn down by war, lost 1.7 million casualties. A short revolution stops the Tsars regime. The USA find's it self a potential victim of the commercial blockade in the Atlantic area. They choose to go to war and partner with the Allies. The bolsheviks come to power due to a second revolution. Who organize a ceasefire with the CE (Central Empires).
  • End Of The War

    Germany focuses on it's troops who are located in the west. Paris is bombarded. The French counter-attack and destroys German defenses. Germany heads north. Due to mutinies and a revolutionary wave (In Germay), the decision is made to abdicate. The signing of the "Armistice" happens. Which marks the end of war. 18 million people died.
  • Consequences Of War.

    A peace treaty was signed at Versailles. The country (Germany) accepts every demand of the victors. Germany and it's allies are solely responsible for the damages of war and must pay hefty compensation. Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman empires disband. Germany is left humility and indebt. Germany remains intact though. It wants revenge
  • End of the Franco German War.

    End of the Franco German war between the French Empire and the Confederation of North German and German staes of south. France loses and the German empire is formed.
    Alsace and Moselle move to join the new empire.
  • Period: to

    The Triple Entente

    Germans economy and industry makes major gains in terms of improving industry and economy. It creates alliances with areas such as the Austro-Hungarian Empire & Italy. France also allies with the Russian empire and makes an agreement in secret for non aggression with Italy, in order to avoid a second front happening if war were to occur. The deal was done for mutual protection as well. The alliances were important in shaping the war
  • First German Naval Law

    The legislation, approved by Germany's Secretary of The Imperial Navy, massively increased the size of the Germans battle fleet. It was the first of 5 laws where the Germans aimed to construct a force that was better than Britains. This wan an attempt to force Britain into an alliance that was controlled by Germany.
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    The Russo-Japanese War

    Russia's Czar Nicholas had ambitions to control a port that enabled commercial ships and his own navy to the pacific. The Japanese then viciously attacked at Port Arthur in China. The war happened both at land and sea and was won by the Japanese. France later persuaded the Russians to join Britain in an alliance. Russia's increasing control in the East was halted by Japan. Meaning Russia changed it's desires and went westward especially in the area/location of the Balkans.
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    The Reason For The War

    The Austro - Hungarian Empire gets two more allies in Bosnia and Herzegovina much to the disappointment of Serbia. Russia allies with Serbia. Austria- Hungary declares that Serbia might have organised the murder of the Austrian heir to the throne and his wife. They then declare war the next month in spite of Russian threats. Conflict spreads between countries of Triple Entente and Triple Alliance
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina Are Annexed.

    Due to a treaty signed in the year of 1908, Austria-Hungary was still controlling Russia. But after the Austro-Hungarian annexed the territory that they had the move proved to be quite the unintended disaster. The two provinces that were mostly made of Slav people had ambitions of having their own country. Whilst Slavs located in Serbia wanted to appropriate the provinces and do it all by themselves. The move drew Russia into a encounter with the Austro-Hungarian regime.
  • Tragedy Strikes in Morocco.

    The French and Germans battled over Morocco for 7 years. In 1905, Kaiser Wilhelm II sailed to Tangiers to demonstrate his support for the sultan of Morocco. But the British showed strong support for France at the time. Germany sent a naval curiser to anchor in one of the harbours on the Morrocan coast. It backfired with Britain backing France and Germany facing the forced decision of acknowledging a French protectorate in Morroco. It lead to an eventual confrontation with Germany
  • Libya is invaded by Italy

    The Italian government set it's sights on the area of Libya. They decided to snatch it from the Ottoman empire. The Italo-European battle ended with a peace treaty but as soon as the Ottoman army left Libya. They enabled the Italians to colonize Libya. It is the first noted time that aerial bombing had happened. But it also exposed the weakness of the Ottoman Empire at the time and how it did not have as much power over other different territories. This also lead to WWI.
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    Balkans Battles

    The Balkan League (Serbia, Bulgaria, Montenegro and Greece) was backed by the Russians. Their goal was to take away the territory owned by the Turks in the Balkans. In 1912, they defeated the Ottoman Army and made them agree to an armistice. But soon disbanded. Bulgaria was defeated in the second Balkans war and this made the region more unstable. Austria-Hungary and Germany chose that a war with the Serbians should happen at some stage to help Austria-Hungary's position at the time.
  • A Race To The Sea

    The Germans goal becomes to take control of strategic ports (Calais, Dunkirk, Boulogne) to halt British supplies. The lower in rank Belgian army cannot stop the Germans. in Yser the decision is made to unlock gates to flood polders. The German army is stopped in their tracks. The frontline is built due to the construction of 700kms of army trenches. From the North Sea to Switzerland.
  • Other Various Fronts

    With frontlines stabilized in the Eastern areas Germany sent troops to the East to fend off a Russian attack. The Ottoman Empire chooses to join Germany in the war. This means several new fronts: One in Caucasus, an extra in the Sinai, against the British Defense Force in Egypt with the aim of taking control of the Suez Canal. There was also a third front in the British protectorate of Kuwait.The British supports an Arab Rebellion. Italy declares war on Austria-Hungary.
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    The German Plan

    Germany plots to overcome the French army who is at the moment in the East by designing an attack from the North. Luxembourg and Belgium are invaded, they are no longer neutral in the conflicts. French, British and Belgium armies also make the decision to retreat. Worrying about the potential capture of Paris, the french government goes to Bordeaux. But German army surrounds the French. They are then attacked by Paris and retreat. The plan has failed.
  • Murder

    A not very old Serbian nationalist from Bosnia tragically murders the heir to the throne of Australia but also his wife, in the area of Sarajevo.
  • Internationalization.

    Japan went to war against Germany and took control of colonies in the Pacific & China. German colonies are attacked by French, British and Belgian troops. Many from colonized territories become enlisted in European armies. A large portion go to Europe. The British army plays it part and enlists 2.7 million men. In the Balkans, Bulgaria returns to war with the Central Empires. Serbia is attacked on two fronts and is invaded.
  • New War Technology

    Germany pursues with military innovations. It organizes aerial bombardments done by zeppelin airships. London and Paris are frequently attacked. Planes are created with the addition of machine guns which leads to aerial battles. Submarine wars begin in British waters. Both sides use toxic gases in trench warfare which results in many deaths.
  • Trench Warfare.

    The frontlines of the war were in stalemate. Soldiers were living in tough conditions. French side begins mutinies that would be stopped. Germany also gets tired of the stalemate. It sends submarines to the Atlantic to sink all kinds of ships.