WW2 timeline

  • Rome-Berlin Axis

    Rome-Berlin Axis
    Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy sign a treaty of cooperation on October 25; on November 1, the Rome-Berlin Axis is announced.
  • Japan invades

    Japan invades
    Japan invades China, initiating World War II in the Pacific.
  • Starting up

    Starting up
    Germany invades Poland, initiating World War II in Europe.
  • Great Britain and France delcare war on Germany

    Great Britain and France delcare war on Germany
    Honoring their guarantee of Poland’s borders, Great Britain and France declare war on Germany.
  • Italy enters war

    Italy enters war
    Italy enters the war. Italy invades southern France on June 21.
  • New axis power

    New axis power
    Bulgaria joins the Axis.
  • Japan bombs us

    Japan bombs us
    Japan bombs Pearl Harbor.
  • End of North African Campaign

    End of North African Campaign
    Axis forces in Tunisia surrender to the Allies, ending the North African campaign.
  • Normaday

    British and US troops successfully land on the Normandy beaches of France, opening a “Second Front” against the Germans.
  • Nazi Leader dies

    Nazi Leader dies
    Hitler commits suicide
  • The End

    The End
    Having agreed in principle to unconditional surrender on August 14, 1945, Japan formally surrenders, ending World War II.