WW2 Historical Timeline

  • Reason Why this is a Crucial Event

    This event is crucial because it marks the official start of WW2 and the slaughter of many people.
  • Germany Invades Poland

    Germany Invades Poland
    The German Invasion of Poland started the typical way of attacks of Germany called the "blitzkrieg" strategy. The strategy was to bombard the entire enemy camp in order to cut communication from the outside world, destroy enemy's air capacity, railroads and ammunition dumps. These bombings were followed by an invasion of overwhelming numbers of troops, tanks and artillery which plowed through the enemy territory while the infantry finished off the remaining resistance in the devastated land.
  • Period: to

    WW2 Crucial Events TImeline

  • Britian and France declare war on Germany

    Britian and France declare war on Germany
    At 1115 BST, the Prime Minister of Britian, Neville Chamberlain, annoounced that the deadline for the German troops to withdraw had expired. He said that he sent a British ambassador to Germany to inform them that the two countries will be at a state of war unless they withdraw from Poland until 1100. Similarly, France provided a deadline to Berlin at 1230, providing the ultimatum of 1700. The reason why this is an important event is because it officially starts war between the two powers.
  • France surrenders to Germany

    France surrenders to Germany
    France surrenders to Germany as Germany invades France and unleashes their fury on it on May 10th, 1940. Germany soon takes over Paris in June 14. This allowed them to penetrate into France without much resistance until 21st of June, 1940, France surrendered to Germany. This event is crucial because the surrender of France meant that Britain would have to face Germany on their own and tilted the balance of power.
  • The Battle of Britain

    The Battle of Britain
    In July 1st 1940, Germany bombs Britain through air raids with their "Luftwaffe" and the Brit's with their RAF's (Royal Air Force). Thorugh this raid, Germany had tried to bring armistice to However, Britain won this conflict and this event became a turning point in the war. This event is crucial because it became the turning point in the war and compensated fo the loss of France.
  • Japanese bomb the American fleet at Pearl Harbour

    Japanese bomb the American fleet at Pearl Harbour
    The bombing of Pearl Harbour was a surprise military strike by the Japanese Imperial Navy against the United States naval base at Pearl Harbour. This attack had two purposes. One was to weaken the American military forces and the other was. However in contrast to thair intention, this led to the United States entry into World War 2.
  • USA declares war on the Axis Powers

    USA declares war on the Axis Powers
    The United States House of Representatives declared war on Japan first, but also approved of the declarations of war on Italy and Germany. This is important because the intervention of America 'turned the tides of the war'
  • American forces push back the Japanese forces island by island

    American forces push back the Japanese forces island by island
    This event was also called the Philipines Campaign or the Liberation of the Philipines. This was a Campaign to defeat and expel the Imperial Japanese Forces. The Allied troops consisted of the US,Commonwealth of the Philipines, Hukbalahap, Australia and Mexico and the Axis Powers were Empire of Japan with the Second Philipine Republic. Result was the deposition of Second Philipine Republic, Restoration of the Commonwealth, Liberation of Philipines. This event showed US's reserve of force.
  • Allies enter Berlin and Hitler commits suicide

    Allies enter Berlin and Hitler commits suicide
    Allies entered Berlin and Adolf Hitler consumes a cyanide capsule then commits suicide by shooting himself with a pistol, and his "1000 year" Reich collapses above him. This was an important event as it is the end for the tyrant that started WW2.
  • Atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    Atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    On August the 6th and the 9th, Hiroshima was bombed first and Nagasaki was bombed three days later. The options of different cities were Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Kokura and Niigata. The first atomic bomb of ten foot was named 'Little Boy' which flattened the entire city and killed at least 70000 people and a further 70000 due to radiation poisoning. The second bomb was named 'Fat Man', which destroyed 40% of Nagasaki and killed a total of 70000 people. This event forced the Japanese to surrender