ww1 tanks

  • the first tank ever made

    the first tank ever made
    the first tanks to be made. Were the little willie is was a big tank. it had lots n of problem and it was not very fast.
  • the first tank in testing

    the first tank in testing
    the first tanks that were tested is the little willie. it was made in britan. was tested that put in to battle shortly after
  • the first tank to show up at a war

    the first tank to show up at a war
    the first tank to show up at wars. it had lot of problems like it would get stuck. the name of the tank was little willie
  • big willie

    big willie
    this was when big willie was made. it was big and better the little willie but not muh better. it still had lots of problem with it. Big wille only went about 4 mph and it all ways got stuck in holes
  • big willie put in battle

    big willie put in battle
    this date is when big willie went in to battle the tanks all way got stuck so people would leave the tank there and enmeys would take the tanks to so what the other side is doing and then made the tanks better and called them big wille
  • allies tanks

    allies tanks
    604 Allied tanks assisted an Allied 20 mile advance on the Western Front.
  • close to the end of the war

    close to the end of the war
    by the time the war drew to a close the British, the first to use them, had produced some 2,636 tanks. The French produced rather more, 3,870. The Germans, never convinced of its merits, and despite their record for technological.
    By innovation, produced just 20