Alliance entente

WW1 Spencer Pittman

  • Creation of the Dual Alliance

    Creation of the Dual Alliance
    Germany and austria hungry created a allence through a treaty
    -Caused a side if a war started
  • Triple Alliance

    Triple Alliance
    Triple Alliance n. 1. a military alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy in the years preceding World War I.
    -Would cause other countries to fight with eachother
  • Rise of Kaiser Wilhelm II and resignation of Bismarck, lapse of treaty with Russia.

    Rise of Kaiser Wilhelm II and resignation of Bismarck, lapse of treaty with Russia.
    Wilhelm II did not wish to share power with anyone. forced Bismarck to resign
    -Caused a war hungry leader to head
  • Alliance of Russia and France

    Alliance of Russia and France
    An alliance formed between the two in case or war.
    -Caused a second side for war
  • Alliance of Russia and France

    Alliance of Russia and France
    -Caused a second side for war
  • Conflicts between Germany and France over Morocco

    Conflicts between Germany and France over Morocco
    Germany was trying to make Morocco a procterate of Germany
    -caused tention between the two
  • Creation of the Triple Entente

    Creation of the Triple Entente
    Triple Entente [ahn•TAHNT] n. a military alliance between Great Britain, France, and Russia in the years preceding World War I.
    The triple entente was the alliance between Russia, France, and Britan that was formed before the start of WW1
    A second allience for the war
  • Austria annexing Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Austria annexing Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Austria took over Bosnia and Herzegovia
    Caused more tention
  • Rise of Militarism

    Rise of Militarism
    militarism [MIHL•ih•tuh•RIHZ•uhm] n. a policy of glorify- ing military power and keeping a standing army always prepared for war. Militarism was a key element in how the war started so fast
    Caused a military based goverrnment
  • The Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand

    The Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand
    The archduke of Austria was assasinated and caused much tention between countries
    -caused to much tention and led to war
  • 10. The first declaration of war (the first day of World War I!) and the succession of declarations of war by Austria, Russia, Germany, and Great Britain.

    10. The first declaration of war (the first day of World War I!) and the succession of declarations of war by Austria, Russia, Germany, and Great Britain.
    After Austria's Decleration of war on Serbia caused a chain reaction of war declaratoins.
    -The start of the war