World War Two Timeline

By TheMoth
  • Japan invades Manchuria

    Japan invades the Chinese capital of Manchuria and commits crimes against humanity to all people there.
  • Germany signs nonagression pact with Soviet Union

    Hitler and Stalin sign a pact to not attack each other, only to later be broken by Hitler.
  • Nanking invaded by the Japaneese

    Another city of China is invaded by Japan and atrocities are commited.
  • Germany starts using Blitzkreig

    Germany starts using Blitzkreig
    Hitler invades Poland and succesfully utilizes the Blitzkreig strategy.
  • Nazis invade Polland

    Using the Blitzkreig, Germany conquers Poland
  • Germany takes over France

    Exploiting military genius, Germans crush the large army of France.
  • Nazis invade Russia and break nonagression pact

    Nazis invade Russia and break nonagression pact
    Breaking his nonagression pact, Germany tries to invade Russia.
  • Japaneesse bomb Pearl Harbor

    Japaneesse bomb Pearl Harbor
    America enters the war after Japaneese bomb Pearl Harbor.
  • Germany loses an entire army at Stalingrad

    Hitler does not let his army surrender in Russia, and they are killed by lack of resources and being surrounded on all sides. Few survive.
  • America uses island hopping to get closer to Japan

    By conquering individual islands, America is able to take back Japanese colonies and get closer to the homeland.
  • Dday commences, Nazis defeated

    Dday commences, Nazis defeated
    Allied forces ambitiously plan the larges amphibious assault to get into france and take back western Europe.
  • Benito Mussolini was executed

  • Hitler kills himself

    Hitler kills himself
  • Allies declare victory in Europe

    Germany surrenders and Allies declare victory.
  • Hiroshima atom bombed by America

    Hiroshima atom bombed by America
  • Nagasaki atom bombed by US

    Nagasaki atom bombed by US
  • Japan surrenders

    Japan surrenders