Cuba In the Cold War

  • Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) formed.

    Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) formed.
    Eight members joined the organization.
  • Soviets launch first man‑made satellite.

    Soviets launch first man‑made satellite.
    the name of the sattelite was Sputnik
  • U.S. sends troops to the Dominican Republic.

    In the United States government, fear spread that "another Cuba" was in the making in the Dominican Republic
  • Bay of Pigs Invasion

    Bay of Pigs Invasion
    Was a failed military invasion of Cuba.
  • East Germany builds Berlin Wall.

    East Germany builds Berlin Wall.
    The barrier included guard towers placed along large concrete walls
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    was a 13-day confrontation in October 1962 between the soviot Union and Cuba
  • China explodes its first atomic bomb.

    . The Chinese people had finally developed their own nuclear technology.
  • President Richard Nixon visits China.

      President Richard Nixon visits China.
    The visit ended 25 years of separation between the two sides.