World war 1

World War One

  • Prussia and Germany Unify

    Prussia and Germany Unify
    Prussia and Germany unify. New Empire ruled by King Wilhen 1.
  • Francis Ferdinand

    Francis Ferdinand
    Francis Ferdinand assassinated at Sarajevo.
  • Germany declred war on Russia.

    Germany declred war on Russia.
  • Battle of Marne started.

    Battle of Marne started.
  • Italy declred war on Germany and Austria.

    Italy declred war on Germany and Austria.
  • Start of the Battle of Loos

    Start of the Battle of Loos
  • The Allies started the evacuation of Gallipoli.

    The Allies started the evacuation of Gallipoli.
  • Battle of Jutland

    Battle of Jutland
  • USA declared war on Germany.

    USA declared war on Germany.
  • Start of the Third Battle at Ypres.

    Start of the Third Battle at Ypres.
  • Turkey made peace.

    Turkey made peace.
  • Peace conference met at Paris.

    Peace conference met at Paris.