
World War One by Christopher Lopez

  • Assassination of Franz Ferdinand

    Assassination of Franz Ferdinand
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand heir to the Austrian throne is killed Sarajevo by the Black Hand a serbian terrorist group.
  • Austria's declaration of war

    Austria's declaration of war
    After the ultimatum sent to Serbia for an investigation of the attack, Austria-Hungary declares war to the kingdom of serbia.
  • Russian,German,and French intervention

    Russian,German,and French intervention
    Serbia being a Russian ally drags Russia to the war the Germany declares war on Russia causing France to join.
  • Declaration of war on Belgium, The British empire enters the war

    Declaration of war on Belgium, The British empire enters the war
    Germany to attack France on another side decides to invade Belgium to flank french positions, Belgium having a treaty with England drags it to the war
  • Germany occupies Brussels

    Germany occupies Brussels
    After fighting in Walloon,Belgium, German forces took the belgian capital.
  • Battle of tannenberg

    Battle of tannenberg
    Russia invades Prussia but is stalled at the Battle of Tannenberg ending in a defeat of the Russian army this would continue to the end of the war with Russian defeats.
  • Ottoman empire enters the war

    Ottoman empire enters the war
    After shelling a Russian Black Sea port, Russia,France,and Great Britain declare war on Turkey.
  • Christmas Truce

    Christmas Truce
    With Christmas eve coming, both sides on the western front stopped the fighting and met with each other,
  • Battle of Bolimov

    Battle of Bolimov
    Battle in the eastern front which saw the first large scale use of chemical gas in a battle.
  • The beginning of the Armenian Genocide

    The beginning of the Armenian Genocide
    After being suspected of helping the Russians, The large Armenian population in the ottoman empire was deported or killed.
  • Italy switches side

    Italy switches side
    after the sending of an Italian secret telegram to the entente promising Italy's support, Italy formally joins the war.
  • The first tank is tested

    The first tank is tested
    A prototype by the British of an tractor is fitted with militarized machinery to fight in the trenches.
  • Bulgaria joins the Central Powers

    Bulgaria joins the Central Powers
    Bulgaria declares war on Serbia aiming to take Macedonia
  • Easter Rising

    Easter Rising
    Irish rebels revolt in Dublin taking key places but is then defeated.
  • Battle of the Somme

    Battle of the Somme
    The most bloodiest battle starts with 5700 casualties the first day.
  • Romania joins the Entente

    Romania joins the Entente
    With being offered Transylvania from Austria-Hungary, Romania officialy joins the war,
  • Charles I becomes emperor of Austria-Hungary

    Charles I becomes emperor of Austria-Hungary
    After the death of Franz Joseph by pneumonia, Charles I is crowned as the emperor of the dual monarchy.
  • February Revolution

    February Revolution
    Revolution in Russia starts in Petrogad with workers demanding bread.
  • Tsar Nicholas II Romanov abdicates the Russian throne

    Tsar Nicholas II Romanov abdicates the Russian throne
    Tsar Nicholas II abdicates causing the end of the Romanov dynasty after nearly 200 years and the beginning of a democratic provisional government.
  • USA declares war

    USA declares war
    The united states declares war on Germany after all the sinking of cruise liners.
  • October revolution

    October revolution
    Bolsheviks rise up in Russia against the provisional government, their aim was the implementation of communism.
  • Treaty of Brest-Litvosk

    Treaty of Brest-Litvosk
    The soviet union and the central powers sign a armistice therefore Russia leaves the war.
  • Dissolution of the Austria-Hungary

    Dissolution of the Austria-Hungary
    The Hungarian government separates from the Austrian one therefore ending the dual monarchy.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    Germany surrenders to the Entente and submits to the treaties signed at Versailles