World War II

  • Stalin Rises to Power

    Leader of Bolshevik party. In Novemeber of 1917, came to lead Soviet Union
  • Japan Invades Manchuria

    Beginning of Japan taking over other smaller lands/islands in around Japan.
  • Hitler comes to Power

    Started rise in 1919 as a small polititian and rose to be appointed Chancellor of Germany in 1933
  • Italy invades Ethiopia

    Mussolini adopted the plan by Hitler to expand the territories on Germany.
  • Period: to

    The Great Purge

    Killing off any communist leaders and officials in the Government. Led by Stalin
  • Munich Agreement

    Reached by Germany, Great Britain, France, and Italy that permitted German annexation of the Sudetenland in western Czechoslovakia. Hitler attacked a few days later.
  • Francisco Franco comes to Power

  • Hitler/Stalin sign Non-Aggression Pact

  • Hitler Invades Poland

  • Period: to

    Battle of Britain

    Constant attack of Germans by aerial bombings
  • FDR's 4 Freedoms Speech

    4 Freedoms:
    Freedom from fear
    Freedom of speech and expression
    Freedom of worship
    Freedom of want
  • Lend-Lease Act

    Ability to provide US military support to other countries.
  • Atlantic Charter

    Joint Declaration between US and GB
  • Pearl Harbor

    Japanese sent 2 waves of attack planes on Pearl Harbor Hawaii. Thousands were lost. Japan was wanting to destroy the threat of American forces near Japan
  • Declaring War on Japan

    US declares war on Japan. Only 1 day after Japan attacked Pearl Harbor
  • Declaring war on Germany

  • D-Day Invasion

    Allied Troops organized by Eisenhower sent to Normandy Beach to put ground troops in France. Thousands were lost, but those sacrifices was a major step in defeating Hitler.
  • Period: to

    Battle of the Bulge

    Known as the largest battle in the West. Germans push away Allies that invades part of Germany but suffered great losses
  • Death of FDR

  • VE Day

    Unconditional surrender of Germans to the Allied Powers