World War II

By l9y4j
  • Period: to

    WW II in Europ

  • The Agreement Between Germany and Soviet Union

    The Agreement Between Germany and Soviet Union
    In 1939, Aug 19, Germany and the Soviet Union sign the Treaty of Non-Aggression that states each nation will not invade the other.
  • Germany Invades Poland

    Germany Invades Poland
    In 1939, Sep 1, Adolf Hitler orders the German miltary to invade Poland without a declaration of war by lauching Blitzkrieg.
  • Britain Declares War on Germany

    Britain Declares War on Germany
    In 1939, Sep 3, Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain announces in a BBC studio that Britain declares war on Germany.
  • Canada Declares War on Germany

    Canada Declares War on Germany
    In 1939, Sep 10, one week after Britain declared war on Germany, the Canadian Paliament permited Mackenzie King's recommendation to declare war. Mackenzie King announces in a CBC studio that Canada has declared war on Germany.
  • German Attaks Denmark and Norway

    German Attaks Denmark and Norway
    In 1940, Apr 9, Germany uses Blitzkrieg to overcome Denmark in mere hours and Norway in two months.
  • Geramny Invades Netherlands, Belgium and France

    Geramny Invades Netherlands, Belgium and France
    In 1940, May 10, Germany invades the Netherlands, Belgium and France. Luftwaffe drop paratroopers to capture major airflields around key cities like Rotterdam and The Hague and quickly overrun the nation and damage Dutch forces. Luftwaffe drops bombs on the Netherlands until they surrender. Germany invades Belgium to attack France and on May 28, Belgium surrenders. After Belgium surrenders, German forces invade France very quickly.
  • The Evacuation Begins in Dunkirk

    The Evacuation Begins in Dunkirk
    In 1940, May 26, Britain and France start to send French troops to Britain using hundreds of fishing boats, pleasure crafts and ferries. They join naval and merchant ships in port of Dunkirk.
  • Bombing the Port of Dunkirk

    Bombing the Port of Dunkirk
    In 1940, May 28, the German Luftwaffe bombs the port of Dunkirk, making it difficult to escape from Dunkirk.
  • Successed of Evacuation

    Successed of Evacuation
    In 1940, Jun 4, the British evacuation from Dunkirk is complete. Nearly 340,000 Allied soldiers are brought to safety in Britain.
  • Germany Gains France

    Germany Gains France
    In 1940, Jun 22, the French army cannot fight with German troops because they are so powerful so France surrenders.
  • Bombing the Britain

    Bombing the Britain
    In 1940, Jul 10, Hitler launches "Operation Sea Lion" which is an invasion of Britain. The German Luftwaffe start massive bombing operations that aim at harbours and shipping facilities in southern England.
  • Changing the Bombing Raids Target

    Changing the Bombing Raids Target
    In 1940, Aug 1, Hitler orders the Luftwaffe to bomb Britain air fields and aircraft factories.
  • Starting of The Blitz

    Starting of The Blitz
    In 1940, Sep 7, the German Luftwaffe changes to civilian targets and bombs towns and cities across Britain for fifty-five consecutive nights.
  • The End of The Blitz

    The End of The Blitz
    In 1941, May 10, Hitler gives up on invading Britain. However, Germany has destroyed and damaged London and killed 40,000 civilians.
  • Germany Invade Soviet Union

    Germany Invade Soviet Union
    In 1941, Jun 22, Hitler launches "Operation Barbarossa" which is the invasion of the Soviet Union. 3.9 million troops invade the Soviet Union with 600,000 motor vehicles and 750,000 horses.
  • Japanese Bombing Peal Harbour

    Japanese Bombing Peal Harbour
    In 1941, Dec 7, Japanese planes bomb the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbour in Hawaii. As a result, U.S.A joins WWII.
  • Japan Invade Hon Kong

    Japan Invade Hon Kong
    In 1941, Dec 8, Japanese troops invade Hong Kong. At that time, Canadian soldiers are defending Hong Kong.
  • Britain Surrender in Hong Kong

    Britain Surrender in Hong Kong
    In 1941, Dec 25, on Christmas Day, Japan gains Hong Kong.
  • Japan Bombing Australia

    Japan Bombing Australia
    In 1942, Feb 19, Japanese planes bomb the Darwin harbour and airfeilds in Australia to stop the Allies from using them as bases to invade Timor and Java.
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    Bombing Raids of Japan in Australia

    During 1942, Mar 4 - Nov 12, Japanese planes bomb Australia's Northern Territory and parts of Western Australia were bombed 62 or more times.
  • Japan Conquer the Netherlands' East Indies (Indonesia)

    Japan Conquer the Netherlands' East Indies (Indonesia)
    In 1942, Mar 8, Allied forces in Indonesia surrender to Japan and Japan gains the Netherlands' East Indies (Indonesia).
  • Germany Wants Rich Oil in Soviet Union

    Germany Wants Rich Oil in Soviet Union
    In 1942, May 8, Hitler launches "Operation Blue" to gain rich oil in the Soviet Union. German troops force their way to southern Soviet Union.
  • Germany Captures The Soviet Union's Rich Oil Fields in the South

    Germany Captures The Soviet Union's Rich Oil Fields in the South
    In 1942, Jun 27, Germany gains 80% (24 million tons) of the rich oil in the Soviet Unioin.
  • Beginning of the Battle of Stalingrad

    Beginning of the Battle of Stalingrad
    In 1942, Aug 23, Germany attacks Stalingard and the Soviets defend Stalingrad. The German Luftwaffe support troops destroy the city to rubble.
  • Germany Surrender in Stalingard

    Germany Surrender in Stalingard
    In 1943, Feb 2, German troops surrender because they cannot fight in Stalingard when winter time comes.
  • Allies Invade Sicily

    Allies Invade Sicily
    In 1943, Jul 10, Canadian soldiers invade Sicily with Allied troops. They are successful after two weeks of intense fighting.
  • Japan Invades War on Burma

    Japan Invades War on Burma
    In 1943, Aug 1, Japan invades Burma with their "offer" to help Burma be independent.
  • The Soviet Union advances toward Germany

    The Soviet Union advances toward Germany
    In 1944, Apr 8, after the Soviet Union won the Battle of Stalingard, the Soviet Union advances into Eastern Europe toward Germany.
  • Allies Seize Rome

    Allies Seize Rome
    In 1944, Jun 4, Rome is finally occupied but fighting continues until the spring in 1945.
  • D-Day

    In 1944, Jun 6, the Allies begin "Operation Overlord" and land at Normandy, France. Five beaches code-named Sword, Juno, Gold, Omaha and Utah are taken. Canadians land at Juno.
  • Allied Forces Enter Germany

    Allied Forces Enter Germany
    In 1945, Mar 5, Allied soldiers enter Cologne, Germany. Canadians are sent to liberate the Netherlands.
  • German Troops in The Netherlands Surrender

    German Troops in The Netherlands Surrender
    In 1945, May 4, Canada surrounds Germany in the Netherlands. Germany surrenders. Air drops of food begin.
  • Germany Surrenders

    Germany Surrenders
    In 1945, May 7, Germany surrenders. Allies invade from the west; the Soviet Union invades from the east. Hitler and his wife Eva Braun commit suicide in a bunker in Berlin.
  • U.S.A. Drops An Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima

    U.S.A. Drops An Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima
    In 1945, Aug 6, United States drops an Atomic bomb on Hiroshima.
  • U.S.A. Drops An Atomic Bomb on Nagasaki

    U.S.A. Drops An Atomic Bomb on Nagasaki
    In 1945, Aug 9, United States drops an Atomic bomb on Nagasaki.
  • Japan Surrenders

    Japan Surrenders
    In 1945, Aug 15, after the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima and on Nagasaki, Japan surrenders in China and Hong Kong so Hong Kong becomes a British colony again.