• Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand Assassinated

    Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand Assassinated
    Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austrian Empire, was killed with his wife during a drive while visiting Sarajevo, the capital city of Bosnia. This event is generally accepted by historians as being the immediate cause of the First World War, though tensions had been previously building.
  • German's Promise Support for the Austrians

    German's Promise Support for the Austrians
    Kaiser William II of Germany promises German support for their Austrian allies against Serbia.
  • Austria Declares War of Serbia

    Austria Declares War of Serbia
    Because the assassination was commited by Serbs, Austria declares war on Serbia.
  • Germany Declares War on Russia

    Germany Declares War on Russia
    Germany declares war on the Russians, who are compeled to defend Serbia.
  • The Scheifflin Plan

    The Scheifflin Plan
    The Germans declared war on France and implemented their invasion of Belgium, part of their Scheifflen Plan. The Plan was intended to bring about a swift victory for Germany in the event of a two-front war.
  • Britain Declares War on Germany

    Britain Declares War on Germany
    Britain joins its French and Russian allies.