World War I

  • Schlieffen Plan

    Schlieffen Plan
    It was a plan to take over for an attack on France when Russia began to move their forces while they were near the German border.
  • Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand

    Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand
    Ferdinand was the nephew of Emporer Franz Josef and was next in line to the Emporer, he was shot along with his wife by a Serbian nationalist while he and his wife were in a car.
  • Trench warfare began

    Trench warfare began
    Trench warfare was used so that soldiers could stay hidden while also still being a threat to their enemy, it was used as a strategy to prevent mass casualities.
  • Christmas Truce along Western Front

    Christmas Truce along Western Front
    A treaty was set in place that on Christmas warring countries wold have a cease fire and would not start back to warring until Christmas was over.
  • Germans introduce poison gas

    Germans introduce poison gas
    Germans bring in poison gas to use in the fight against France, sending several tear gas canisters into France.
  • Sinking of Lusitania

    Sinking of Lusitania
    Germany sent a submarine to attack the ship with a torpedo, this torpedo sank the ship taking the life of 1,100 people and of these people 120 were American.
  • Period: to

    Battle of Verdun

    Resulting in both sides with over 600,000 casualties the Battle of Verdun was a seige of a fortress near Verdun, which was owned by the French, but the Germans stormed the fortress to take it.
  • Sussex Pledge

    Sussex Pledge
    This was a pledge was an agreement that Germany submarines would not sink non military ships.
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    Zimmerman Telegram
    It was a telegram to attempt to make an alliance between Germany and Mexico in case of a war between the United States and Germany.
  • General John J. Pershing became AEF leader

    General John J. Pershing became AEF leader
    General John J. Pershing led an army of 130,000 men for the U.S. army and was able to turn men who were barely trained into a fighting machine.
  • President Woodrow Wilson asked for declaration of war

    President Woodrow Wilson asked for declaration of war
    Wilson wwnt to congress to ask to send U.S. troops to the battle so that the U.S. could fight Germany.
  • Committee on Public Information formed

    Committee on Public Information formed
    This was a committee that worked to inform the public on the things going on in the war and it would get American's opinions on the U.S. joining the war.
  • Selective Service Act became law

    Selective Service Act became law
    This was an act that sent men and boys that were of age and able to fight into the war even if they had not a single bit of training for it.
  • Period: to

    Battle of Argonne Forest

    This was a battle that lasted 47 days, the AEF were fighting fourty German divisions in northwest of Verdun with a casualty count of 117,000
  • World War I ended

    World War I ended
    World War I had many many battles included in it and through all of this the world has new technology and different war strategies to help them in the future.