World War I

  • Franz Fredinand was killed by Gabrielle Princip

    Spark that started World War I
  • French Military mobilisation ordered

    It ordered that the troop gets orangized to be able to fight. -Military.
  • Austrians bombard Serbian caption Belgrade.

    They attacked the caption with bombs.
  • U.S. President Announces that United States will remain neutral

    President Woodrom Wlson made a statment/speech to let everone know that United States will remain netual.It was declared upon the American people to support his policy without having to take sides
  • World War I

    World War I began
  • Woodrow Wilson Declares America's Neutrality

    President Woodrow Wilson declares that America is neutral.
  • Battle of Ypes begins

    The battle began when the British forces entered the town, unaware. The allies and the German foces began the first three bttles for the city of Ypres in the North COast of Belgium.
  • Turkey enters the war

    Turkey entered the war one the side of the central powers. Turkey came in and helped the German naval bombardment of Russia
  • second Battle of Ypres

    During the battle poison gas was used for the first time. When the gas fired by the Germans and they claimed many British casualties.
  • Serbia order

    Serbia ordered that they need more troops to be able to win. they orangized the troops to be able to go in acton.
  • Russian Czar Steps Down

    The leader of Russia, Czar Nichlas II, steps down from his position and Alexander Kerensky takes over.
  • Declares War on Germany

  • Russia has a Revolution

    Bolshevik Communists seize control over Russia.
  • Treaty Signed

    The Treaty of Versailles was signed and the war was over with
  • The Great Depression begins.

    The Great Depression begins.
  • Charles Lindbergh Flight

    Charles Lindbergh flies across the Atlantic Ocean alone.
  • Motorola

    Motorola's founder went on to invent the first car stereo,
  • US Congress Passes Emergency Banking Act

    The Emergency Banking Act reorganized banks and closed ones that were insolvent as part of Roosevelt's plan to help the US through the Great Depression.