World War I, The Great Depression, & World War II

By Ceaira
  • Start of WII

    Start of WII
    In the capital Archduke Franz Ferdinard and Duchess Sophie were shot by a member of the black hand group from Serbia. Austria-Hungary declared war against Serbia.
  • Period: to

    Germany and Great Britain declare war

    Germany declares war on Russia and France. Great Britain declares war on Germany.
  • Trench Foot

    Trench Foot
    Trench foot was a fungual condition soldiers suffered from while they were in the trenches because they stood muddy cold water for long periods of time. This made them lose blood circulation in their feet. Sometimes soldiers socks would grow on their feet. Some soilders had to have their feet, toes or arms amputatated. Eventually trench drainage was improved and soldiers were encouraged to change their socks and greese their feet to prevent trench foot.
  • Blood Transfusions

    Blood Transfusions
    Unlike previous wars, blood could be stored during WWI so doctors were able to do blood transfusions. If a soldier had lost a lot of blood, doctors could transfer blood to the patient. Blood transfusions prevented soldiers from dying from tissue damage or severe burns.
  • Trench Fever

    Trench Fever
    Trench Fever was a common disease armies caught, caused by body lice. Symtoms of trench fever were headaches, high fever, skin rashes, skin sores, aching muscles and inflammed eyes. It took soldier's a week to serval weeks to recover from the the disease.
  • Gas is used for the first time in WWI, Many soldiers suffered from effects for the rest of their lives

    Gas is used for the first time in WWI, Many soldiers suffered from effects for the rest of their lives
    France was the first to use tear gas grenades agaisnst Germany in August, 1914. Poison chlorine gas was first used by Gemany on April 22, 1915 in the Second Battle of Ypres. Some gas induced watering eyes, violent sneezing or runny nose. More deadly gas affected a person's ability to see or breathe and caused choking. Doctors and nurses were unsure of how to treat the symtoms when gas first started being used. Protective gas masks were given soldiers but many soldiers.
  • X-rays

    With the development of x-rays during WWI, doctors were able to find exactly where bullets or debris that penerated the soldiers eaier. This led to more sucessful surgeries.
  • Shell Shock

    Shell Shock
    Shell shock was the psychological trauma that sokme soldiers suffered from while fighting in the war. The symtoms were panic attacks that caused soldiers to flee during battles sometimes. The mental illness caused soldiers to act differently and some were unable to follow command and fufill their duties properly. Officers and doctors did not understand the truma at first and saw soldiers suffering from shell shock as weak.
  • US Joins WII

    US Joins WII
    United States of America declares war on Germany.
  • Mustard Gas

    Mustard Gas
    Germany was the first to use mustard gas in September, 1917. Musturd gas was an almost ordorless gas that could cause extreme blisters internally and externally on a soldier's skin hours after being exposed. It was hard to stay protected from the mustard gas because the fumes would stay on the clothes and in the soil and causing the blistering and sores. Soldiers couldn't wash the fumes from their clothes in the trenches.
  • Spanish Flu

    Spanish Flu
    The flu traveled to Euuope with American soldiers that came from an army camp in Fort Riley Kansas and were heading to WWI. By May, the flu had caused 8 million deaths. The Spanish flu spead quickly and easily. The symtoms were like the symtoms of a common cold. People sometimes died hours or soon after they realized they caught Influenza. It would infect 500 million people worldwide.
  • War Ending

    War Ending
    Germany signs an Armstice with the allies ending the war on November 11th 1918.
  • Credit abuse and home appliances

    Credit abuse and home appliances
    Many families starting to own and buy cars and common househould appliciances like vaccum cleaners, washing machines and refridgerators. Some of these items were bought with credit which would later put families in debt.
  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday
    Stock market crash was the start of the great depression.
  • Hoovervilles

    Many people lost their jobs and famillies were eviced from their houses because they were unable to pay rent. people were forced to make shelters and shacks made out of cardboard and scraps.
  • Uemployement

    Unemployment rose from 3 million in 1929 to 4 million in 1929 in 1930. By 1931 there were 8 million people unemployed. In 1932, thhree quaters of workers were on part time schedules.
  • Budget Meals

    Budget Meals
    Women had to learn how to stretch their food budget by making meals like casseroles. Popular meals were soups, chili, macorini and cheese, creamed chipped beef on toast or waffles, creamed chicken on biscuits.
  • New Foods invented during the Great Depression

    New Foods invented during the Great Depression
    Foods like Spam, Riz Crackers, Kraft macaroni and cheese, Kool-Aid, and Krispy Kreme doughnuts were invented during the great depresion.
  • Nazis gain power

    Nazis gainpower over germany
  • Adof Hilter appointed chancler of Germany

    Adof Hilter appointed chancler of Germany
  • Soup Kitchens and Bread Lines

    Soup Kitchens and Bread Lines
    Soup kitchens and bread lines became common places for families to get their food.
  • Families saving money

    Families saving money
    Families neglected smaller needslike health and dental care to save money. Families also also brought old bread and using cardboard and cotton for shoe soles.
  • Concentration camps

  • Stravation

    President Hoover made a statement saying "Nobody is actually starving. The hoboes are beter fed then they've ever been." But by 1934 there were 110 stravation related deaths in New York City.
  • Decline in divorce

    Decline in divorce
    There was a decline in divorces because many couples could not afford legal fees and the price of separation. 1.5 million married women were living separate from their husbands by 1940.
  • Mobile Killing Units

    Mobile Killing Units
    SS officers were under commnand to murder anyone who was a racial or political enemy of Germany. They murdered Jews, Gypsies, mentally ill, disabled, and officals of the Soviet State. They were transported to where they would be killed and then were forced to dig their own graves before they were shot.
  • Mass gassing

  • Jews deported

    Jewws began being deported to
  • Liberation of concentration camps

    Liberation of concentration camps
    Aushiwitz, the biggest concentration was liberated by the Soviets in January of 1945 freeing 7,000 prisoners.
  • Death Marches

    Death Marches
    The Nazis forced most Auschwitz prisoners to march in death marches westward. During death marches, prisoners suffered from stravation, exposure, cold and exhustion. Prioners who were too slow or didn't keep up were shot. Prisoners also suffered from the cold weather, starvation, and exposure on these marches. Death marches from Auschwitz resulted in over 15,000 deaths.
  • Germany surrenders

  • War criminal trials

    War criminal trials
    Starting October 18th 1945 trials agaisnt major war criminals began. Alfred Rosenberg, Reich Marshall Hermann Göring, Julius Streicher, and Hans Frank were war criminals punished by death for crimes against peace, humanity.
  • Holocaust survivors

    Holocaust survivors
    Many survivors continued to suffer from psychological trauma after the liberation of concentration camps. The prisoners who survived were weak and resembled skeletons because of malnutritution and forced labor.