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World War I

  • Dual Alliance leads to Tripple Alliance

    Dual Alliance leads to Tripple Alliance
    During this time, France was seen as one of the biggest challenge for peace. Bismark thought that since France was defeated in a battle of Franco-Prussian War, France was still in look for revenge to win a battle. Bismark wanted to separate France from everyone else. That is when Bismark decided to form the Dual Alliance with Austria-Hungary and Germany. Three years after the Dual Alliance was formed into the Triple Alliance and Italy joined Gernamy and Australia-Hungary.
  • Triple Entente

    Triple Entente
    Wilhelm began a large and important program of shipbuilding to try and make the German army as strong as the British fleet. In that case, Great Britain formed a Entente with with France.In the year of 1907 Britain made another Entenete, but this time with France and Russia. This was called the Triple Entente, this did no tie Britain to fight with France and Russia. It most clearly made sure that Britain had no intention to start any war with them.
  • Austria annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Austria annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina
    In the year on 1908 Bosnia and Herzegovia were taken over by Austira. These two areas where populated with many slavic's. Many Seriban leaders that attempted to one day rule Bosnia and Herzegovia were exteamly angry about this. The tention between Serbia and Austria grow as the years passed by. The Serbs always said that they would take Bosnia and Herzegovia from Austria, but Austria said if they ever attempted to do this that they would kill anyone who tired to achieve this.
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    World War I

  • Schlieffen Plan

    Schlieffen Plan
    Germany was trying to win two wars and on different fronts so, General Alfred von Schlieffen created the Schlieffen plan. This plan was based on a stradgey to attach and defeat France in the Western side and then quickly moving to the East to fight agains Russia. Germany believed that this plan could work out well because Russia took the longes with their railroad system so Russia would take longer to arrive to Germany's front.
  • Russians Defeat Austrians Twice

    Russians Defeat Austrians Twice
    Early in the war, the Russians attacked both Germany and Austria. First, the Germans defeated the Russians and drove their army into retreat. This left about 30,000 Russian soldiers killed. The Russians then went deep into Austria and were more successful. But eventually, Austria fought back and was able to drive them out of Austria-Hungary. These defeats later caused Russia's war effort to suffer.
  • Gallipoli Campaign Begins

    Gallipoli Campaign Begins
    The purpose of the Gallipoli Campaign was to attack the Dardanelles, an area in the Ottoman Empire. The allies came up with this plan to get to Constantinople. They believed that the Dardanelles would lead them to Constantinople, where they could conquer the Turks and create a supply line for Russia. British, Australian, New Zealand, and French soldiers all fought on the west side of the strait. But the Gallipoli Campaign became a stalemate and the Allies suffered a loss of about 250,000 deaths.
  • Trench Warfare

    Trench Warfare
    In the year 1915 the armies that were against eachother on the Western Front dug miles and miles of straight trenches to keep themselves alive and protected from enemies. This because known to many as the Trench Warfare. in this Warfar soldiors would fight would fight eachother from the treanches that where built by their own armies. During this armies lost many lives for small amounts of lands.
  • Germans Attack French near Verdun

    Germans Attack French near Verdun
    In this battle Germans and French each lost about 300,000 men. A couple of months later the British tired to help the French and attacked Germnay northwest of Verdan. On the first day of this battle more than 20,00o men where killed by the Germans. In the battle of Somme the Brithish gained five miles of the Somme valley and the Germans gained about four miles near Verdun.
  • Germany Declares Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

    Unrestricted Submarine Warfare stated that the Germans would sink any ship without warning in British waters. The Americans became angry and President Woodrow Wilson protested to Germany. Germany eventually stopped attacking unharmful ships, but they went back to unrestricted submarine warfare in 1917. They knew that this could start a war with the United States, but they disregarded President Wilson's warnings.
  • German Officers Interrupt the Zimmerman Telegram and the US Declares War on Germany

    German Officers Interrupt the Zimmerman Telegram and the US Declares War on Germany
    German officials interrupted a telegram written by Arthur Zimmermann, Germany's foreign secretary. It said that Germany would assist Mexico in gaining back the lands they lost to the United States if Mexico would become an ally with Germany. This enraged the Americans and caused them to largely favor the allies. America and the Allies also had strong economic ties. Presidet Wilson made a request to Congress to declare war on Germany and the United States joined the Allies' side on April 2, 1917.
  • President Wilson Creates the Fourteen Points

    President Wilson Creates the Fourteen Points
    Representatives from Italy, the United States, France, and Great Britain forming the group known as the Big Four at the Paris Peace Conference. President Wilson came up with a set of peace proposals that he called the Fourteen Points. These points became an outline for having fair and lasting peace. Some of the ideas included were and end to secret treaties, free trade, and reduced national armies and navies. The basis of these points was self-determination, which let people choose a government.
  • Germany and Russia Signs the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    Germany and Russia Signs the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
    German and Russian representatives signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, which ended Russia's role in World War I. The Russian Revolution had previously overthrown Czar Nicholas II and Vladimir Lenin took his place in government. The Treaty prevented Germany from participating in a two-front war, but later that year Germany still fought on the Western Front against the Allies.
  • Germany Attacks Allies

    Germany Attacks Allies
    Germany made one more attack on the Allies in France. The German forces were in the lead at first, but their military weakened and the Allies made a counterattack. They fought again at the Second Battle of the Marne, but the arrival of about 2 million more American troops gave them another loss. These battles led to the fall of the Central Powers.
  • Germany and France Sign an Armistice

    Germany and France Sign an Armistice
    As the Central Powers began to collapse, the Bulgarians and the Ottoman Turks surrendered. A revolution began in Austria-Hungary, and German soldiers mutinied and people turned on the kaiser. Finally, Kaiser Wilhelm II stepped down and Germany became a republic. A man from the German government met with Commander Marshal Foch of France and an armistice was signed. World War I officially ended on November 11.