170px hitlermusso2 edit

world war 2

By elie98
  • treaty of versilles

    treaty of versilles
  • austria annexed by germany

    austria annexed by germany
  • hitle takes controle of all of czechoslovakia

    hitle takes controle of all of czechoslovakia
  • france allow hitler to occupy czech

    france allow hitler to occupy czech
  • hitler invades poland

    hitler invades poland
  • australi enter war and and britian and france declar war on germany

    australi enter war and and britian and france declar war on germany
  • italy declares war on france and englend what

    italy declares war on france and englend what
    war on every one in the world happy
  • japan attck pearl harbour and both uns and aus declar war on japan

    japan attck pearl harbour and both uns and aus declar war on japan