World War 1 Timeline.

  • The Triple Entente.

    The Triple Entente was the name given to the alliance of France, Britain, and Russia. When World War I began in 1914 France, Britain, and Russia all entered the war as allies. Each country promised equal support if any attacks by any other great powers.
  • The Zimmerman Note.

    The Ziimerman Note was a note that was sent to Mexico from Germany and was intercepted by the United States. Germany's plot was to draw Mexico into war against the United States, The Zimmerman note promised Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona back inreturn for an alliance.
  • The Central Powers.

    The Central Powers was an alignment made in the Triple Alliance, and was against the Allied Powers that formed around the Triple Entente.
  • The Killing of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife were murdered which is what pretty much started World War I. They were murder by Gaverilo Princip. Archduke Franz Feridinand had 3 children and was 51 years old when he was killed.
  • The Lusitania.

    In May of 1915 Germany told Americans to stay off of Britian's ships. After telling Americans that, 1200 passengers & crew on a British ship were killed. 128 of them were Americans. The ship was torpedoed and sunk.
  • "He kept us out of war"

    President Thomas Woodrow Wilson is who this quote is about. It meant that Woodrow Wilson kept the United States out of World War I for awhile.
  • The Easter Uprising.

    The Easter Uprising was a rebellion in Ireland during Easter week. The rebellion started with Irish republicans who had intentions of ending British rule in Ireland. It was the most significant uprising in irlasnd since the rebellion of 1798.
  • Espionage/Sedition Act.

    The Espionage/Sediton Act stated that it was illegal to criticize, oppose, or interfere in the war effort. It said that there was limited free speech. There were 1500 people arrested during the war because of the Espionage/Sedition Act.
  • Bolshevick Revolution.

    The Bolshevick Revolution was the over throw of the Russian government, also known as the October Revolution because it was over thrown in October.
  • The 14 Points.

    The 14 points were a speech given by president Woodrow Wilson to a session of congress. They became the main reason for a peace program. 1.No more secret alliances 2. Free navigation of all seas. 3. An end to all economic barriers between countries. 4. Countries to reduce weapon numbers. 5. Interests of colonists must be taken into document. 6-13. Boundary changes. 14. The League of Nations.
  • Schenck v. United States.

    Schenck v. United States was a supreme court case. Socialist, Charlie Schenck was arrested for mailing thousands of letters urging people to resist the draft. The supreme court decided that his speech did not create a clear and present danger and Schenck was set free.