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World War 1

  • Assassination of Franz Ferdinand

    Assassination of Franz Ferdinand
    Franz Ferdinand was a member of the Hapsburg Dynasty. He was assassinated while the archduke was visiting Sarajevo with his wife.
  • Beginning of Battle of Tannenberg

    Beginning of Battle of Tannenberg
    This battle was Russia vs. Germany. This was in the first month of World War 1.
  • End of Battle of Tannenburg

    End of Battle of Tannenburg
    The battle resulted in the almost complete destruction of the Russian Second Army. The battle ended in German victory.
  • Beginning of the Battle of the Marne

    Beginning of the Battle of the Marne
    The battle was Germany vs. France and Britain. Started because Germany invaded Belgium.
  • End of the Battle of the Marne

    End of the Battle of the Marne
    Stopped German assault into France. Was the first significant Allied victory of World War I.
  • Beginning of the Battle of Gallipoli

    Beginning of the Battle of Gallipoli
    Battle was Britain vs. the Ottoman Empire. Took place on the Gallipoli peninsula.
  • Sinking of the Lusitania

    Sinking of the Lusitania
    Germany sunk a submarine full of English people. Germans believe the ship was carrying war supplies.
  • End of the Battle of Gallipoli

    End of the Battle of Gallipoli
    British attempted a naval invasion. It ended up being unsuccessful to control the sea route.
  • Beginning of the Battle of Verdun

    Beginning of the Battle of Verdun
    Battle was Germany vs. France. Largest and longest battle of WW1.
  • Beginning of the Battle of Somme

    Beginning of the Battle of Somme
    Germany vs. France and Britain. Took place on both sides of the River Somme in France.
  • End of the Battle of Somme

    End of the Battle of Somme
    The largest and bloodiest battle of WW1. The battle lasted 141 days.
  • End of the Battle of Verdun

    End of the Battle of Verdun
    Longest battle on the western front, lasting 303 days. Ended in terrible casualties.
  • Interception of the Zimmerman telegram

    Interception of the Zimmerman telegram
    Proposed a secret alliance between Germany and Mexico. Was used as a way for them to secretly communicate.
  • Beginning of the Russian Revolution

    Beginning of the Russian Revolution
    The Russian Revolution was a pair of revolutions in Russia in 1917. Tsar Nicholas' empire collapsed.
  • US joins WW1

    US joins WW1
    The U.S. joined its allies to fight in World War I. US joined to fight against Germany.
  • End of the Russian Revolution

    End of the Russian Revolution
    Dismantled the Tsarist autocracy. Also led to the rise of the Soviet Union.
  • November Russian Revolution

    November Russian Revolution
    After the March Revolution, in November Russia got the world’s first communist government. Used to force everyone under military rule.
  • Signing of the Armistice

    Signing of the Armistice
    WW1 as ended when the armistice was signed between Germany and the allies. Used to stop anymore wars from happening.
  • Start of Signing of the Treaty of Versailles

    Start of Signing of the Treaty of Versailles
    The Treaty of Versailles was the most important of the peace treaties that brought World War I to an end. This treaty ended war between Germany and allied powers.
  • Creation of League of Nations

    Creation of League of Nations
    Founded as a result of the Paris Peace Conference that ended the First World War. Planned to stop war forever but that didn't work.
  • End of Signing the Treaty of Versailles

    End of Signing the Treaty of Versailles
    The Treaty ended the war between Germany and the Allies. They sill fought after that.
  • Creation of the USSR

    Creation of the USSR
    Created the Soviet Union. Divided Russia.