Women's Rights

  • Event 1: Betty Friedan

    Event 1: Betty Friedan
    ↠ Women's Rights Activist
    ↠ Graduated from Smith College
    ↠ Reporter in New York
    ↠ Married with three children
    ↠ Published "The Feminine Mystique"
    ↠ Co-founded and became the first president for The National Organization for Women (NOW)
    ↠ Also, wanted women to have more political power
    ↠ Helped women overcome talking care both the house and having a job
    Link text
  • Event 2: Equal Pay Act (1963): Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009

    Event 2: Equal Pay Act (1963): Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009
    -Fair Pay Act= Lily Ledbetter: who fought to close gap between men and women wages, it went to the Supreme Court, and she won $3 million
    -Causes: World War II, Increased demand for women workers, Unions started advocate for equal pay
    -Effects: Several bills seeking equal pay for women were introduced to Congress failed https://www.nps.gov/index.htm
  • Event 3: Title VII Civil Rights Act (1964)

    Event 3: Title VII Civil Rights Act (1964)
    -What happened? It prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, and national origin
    -Causes: People were being discriminated against and lesser qualified people were being hired
    -Effects: forbids employers from retaliating against the employees who files charges of discrimination http://www.aauw.org/what-we-do/legal-resources/know-your-rights-at-work/title-vii/
  • Event 5: Roe versus Wade

    Event 5: Roe versus Wade
    -Causes: Jane Roe wants a divorce and Henry Wade, district attorney, is upholding the law that she can't have an abortion
    -Effects: Continue conversation of Women's Rights of their own bodies creating pro- abortion and anti- abortion groups https://www.oyez.org/cases/1971/70-18
  • Event 6: Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972

    Event 6: Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972
    ↠ Causes: Discrimination and treated unfairly
    ↠ What Happened? Discrimination in schools, Federal-funded activities, and other education programs
    ↠ Effects: Increased public support and funding for women's sports
    Link text
  • Event 4: ERA (Equal Rights Amendment)

    Event 4: ERA (Equal Rights Amendment)
    ↠ Causes: Women wanted more power and equality, felt weaker than men
    ↠ What Happened? The Amendment passed in the House in 1970 and in the Senate in 1972, but the states failed to approve the amendment in 1973
    ↠ Effects: Women didn't gain any power in society and public support decreased for this amendment ↠ Link text
  • Event 8: Problems and Goals of Modern Day

    Event 8: Problems and Goals of Modern Day
    -Problems: Reproductive rights such as Roe vs Wade, Continuing Gender Wage Gap, Violence Against Women Inadequate maternal and infant health care
    -Goals: Reproductive freedom such as choice of abortion, Women receive equal pay for equal work, Increasing awareness against violence (Women March), Women want increased time following the birth of a child to stay in the hospital
  • Event 7: MAJOR accomplishments

    Event 7: MAJOR accomplishments
    ↠ 1947 Fay vs. New York ruled in the Supreme Court that women could be on the jury and be treated as equals to men
    ↠ In 1960 the Food and Drug Administration approved birth control pills
    ↠ In 1968 Executive Order 11246 was passed and ruled that discrimination based on sex is illegal for government contractors Link text