Woman's suffrage time-line

  • Oberlin college accepts women

    Oberlin University was the first college to allow women to attend.
  • Seneca Falls convention

    Elizabeth Cady Stanton calls for women to have equal rights
  • Wyoming women

    Women living in the Wyoming territory became the first American women to vote
  • Susan B. Anthony

    Susan and her sisters attmpted to vote and were arrested days later. They were forced to stand trial.
  • Sureme Court ruling

    Women were able to be citizens but could not vote.
  • Womens Christian Temperance Union

    Prohibition had started, women wanted to get rid of alchohol. They created the union to crusade against the fight.
  • The National Association of Colored Women

    Famous Afican-American women fighting for thier rights as they were not welcome in the white woman associations. They fought for sufferage and temperance.
  • Nineteenth Amendment ratified

    The Nineteenth Amendment passed giving women the right to vote
  • Eighteenth Amendment

    Women pushed for this amendment to pass. This amendment made it illegal to make, sell, or consume achohol